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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. True, i guess what they have there actually works. Im an example.. i already got like 20 friends referred hahaha. Free points for me
  2. Thats good that things have calmed down. Your back just in time for the holidays
  3. So far today ive seen two members i havent seen around TMN in a while. richcornucopia and JustinOhioRR Welcome back guys!
  4. Ive got 1800 points so far from referring my friends hahaha, i think for every point its a chance to enter the monthly drawing for various prizes, as well as randomly won instant prizes by searching. IF this is real its awesome!!!!!
  5. http://www.winzy.com/ My friends claim they won a 20$ gift certificate from it. Apparently when you search you randomly get points and the points will go into a drawing for a 500$ monthly prize. How many of you think this is legit?? i have 500 winzy points -.- Edit:Crud i think i just posted the refer link, not trying to refer ppl sorry. Ill change link in one sec
  6. He can just say I thought all i had to do was plug a modem into the wall and i had internet?!?!?!
  7. Your better off getting someone YOU know personally to fix your compuer, as long as you know someone. But i mean for some people a computer repair store is the only way. Like say a 70 year old woman who has a computer but is all alone in this world, then it breaks... She cant fix it unless she has knowledge of computers. So i mean in certain cases a computer repair store is necessary, but you gotta keep an eye out. Get oppinions from other repair shops as well i guess.
  8. I guess hes just very lucky and comcast screwed up! I guess its not a problem, its their mistake its not like he did something to get free internet so if it was me.. i wouldnt say nothing to them and enjoy the free internet haha. Edit: but if its their mistake, idk how they can charge him for it. I mean what if someones phone went out while they were talking , thats not their fault right? And what if the person didnt realize they werent being charged. I mean if they charge him the price of the highest package thats unfair because what if he didnt even tell them what package he wanted, for all they know he wanted the lowest end package. Idk swimmer knows more than i do but IMO its their fault.
  9. If he has tv from them as well i believe they just add it onto that bill so maybe he just isnt noticing it? If they really arent billing him he is one lucky man.
  10. I was expecting that to happen only cuz i got a glimpse of the title of it. But its still scary to think about if you were in that position.
  11. LOL, omg i would have crapped my pants and then laid down and thought about life for a few hours. :2funny: :2funny:
  12. Lol i kept going until i got lazy then i just let myself die fun game tho.
  13. bahahaha thats funny. Good find :2funny: What an idiot that person was.
  14. No fair =/ lol.
  15. ditto x2
  16. Nice theme, im using it now.
  17. Im no expert but i believe your tech is right, i do not believe the ram you have and the ram your computer supports are alike. The ram beeps usually when its first being used, to let you know that it is detected.. or if there is an issue and apparently it is an issue.
  18. Post the link!
  19. Another problem is the signatures running off the screen. Idk if its just me or if everyone else noticed that.
  20. Hmm, ya i know mine is 100x100 but i thought maybe it messed up on yours and wouldnt let you upload 100x100, i really don't know, i guess just wait for a response from CA3LE
  21. As far as the avatar, maybe the resize feature isnt working, im not sure what the maximum legnth and width of an avatar is but default is 60x60 i believe. Try uploading a pic 60x60.
  22. when you download something from site, what speeds do you get?? www.cachefly.com go there and download the 100meg file.
  23. Interesting, i get the chills whenever i listen to songs with NICE guitar solo's. Just makes me go wow.
  24. Yea thats the name! i couldnt think of it. Thanks swimmer.
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