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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CRINGED. I would be on my knees crying like a little school girl :2funny: :2funny:
  2. I second that. TESTMY MOBILE VROOM VROOM!!!!
  3. A HUGE TESTMY.NET LOGO!!! right where that pic is. I wish i knew how to hack
  4. Ryan314


    Ill keep that in mind, thanks voltage man. Im also going to try using a new hard drive in it for a month or two. See if it continues the problem.
  5. Ryan314


    They are just doing some maintenance as i was told. No worries *i noticed the same thing before*
  6. 25,000 wow. ALOT of money. *digs in pocket* im like 24,900 short. Anyone wanna loan me some money?
  7. haha sorry if i offended your pirates water. *still thinks ninjas are cooler though* also why wont it let me post a pic... its not under additional options
  8. Hold on ill post a ninja smiley from another forum in one sec.
  9. I have to disagree, ninjas own. SUPER GRIM DEATH NINJA MONKEYS. we need a ninja smiley
  10. LOL, who knows if shug was kidding or not. Hey hey hey, not a boy. A MAN
  11. Hey, Ryan314, you have 68 messages, 0 are new. Total time logged in: 8 days, 4 hours and 44 minutes. Im unpopular
  12. Ryan314


    Awesome, thank you very much ill go try it now.
  13. Ryan314


    I tryed doing fixboot one more time for the hell of it, ive done it time and time again. and dont you know it worked. still gotta figure out whats causing this -.- oh another question about that computer. Every time it restarts, or we turn it on and off. The color quality automatically resets to 8bit, when it should be 32bit, of course i know its the graphics card so i installed the latest drivers but it still does it. Any ideas?
  14. *revives* hey even tho its not thanksgiving doesnt mean we cant play MEAL OR NO MEAL?!?!?!
  15. Ryan314


    Im starting to think the hdd is shot. shes buying a new computer soon anyways, but that ones mine when she gets a new one so, gotta make it perfect
  16. Ryan314


    I cant get on to my desktop.. thats my main problem. I did check disk from the repair option on the install and its working now.
  17. Ryan314


    Oh i see, i dont think that would cause an error 2-4 weeks after i think that would be immediate. Thanks tho tommie next time i install windows ill make sure to do that.
  18. Ryan314


    Undo all the hardware? Ive never heard of this. There is no aftermarket parts in her computer its totally stock. Im not sure if your referring to aftermarket or the actual stock hardware?
  19. Ryan314


    Hmm, ill check out some sites on that google link, thanks. If anyone else knows another specific reason that may fit my problem please post it.
  20. Ryan314


    Ok so heres the deal. My sisters computer is a dell dimension 4600, i re installed windows several times on it, and after a few weeks -2 months of use it randomly gets an error and wont start windows every time. The error comes up so fast and closes that we cant read it so we just decided to snap a pic. The pic is attached. If anyone knows what could be causing this error it would be very helpful. I noticed it said something about the boot file so i went into the windows install and repaired the boot file. Didnt do anything. Keep in mind this happens EVERY TIME i re install windows. After a few weeks of use. Thanks in advance.
  21. only thing is crt's are bad on the eyes i read. Im on the comp alot of the time seeing as im not in school, so i might be blind by 30
  22. i guess your right. (edited by waterRTBH to modify the topic title)
  23. I dont like big comp screens, for some reason it just annoys me. I my 17 inch crt at least i wont get any dead pixels, that would irritate me so badly
  24. how would he mispell it by screaming it, thats verbal. were just being a-holes today. (edited by waterRTBH to modify the topic title)
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