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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. I believe he changed his cablenut settings.
  2. Just watched saw 3, good movie!!!
  3. SWEET!!! im gonna go stream some stuff now =D Nice find!
  4. Ya it could be a problem on their end, either that or one of your neighbors is a very active user
  5. Lucky, we havent gotten any snow due to an el nino or something IM DREAMING OF A WHITE CHRISTMAS
  6. In my oppinion, if its not broken... dont fix it. But if your having problems i guess it cant hurt. I dont have enough information about it so i wouldnt know the exact answer to it. Im sure you will get a better answer soon
  7. Nice find shug, im sure there are many people who want to take advantage of this while they can. Wish sprint would do it.
  8. My dlink router had problems with my psp, as well as my ps2. So i switched to linksys, and its flawless. Current linksys router is a wrt54gsv4 Love it!
  9. Maybe you just recieved your powerboost? Or did you have it all along?
  10. So many people have said its fake, because there are a few fakes to this song. But ive tried to keep an eye on his hand movements when the chords go higher and lower.. he seems to be perfectly in sync, unless he is EXTREMELY good at faking it, and in that case.. why not just play?
  11. I really hope it doesnt erupt. Good find man.
  12. You guys think thats cool, check this guy out. Hes playing it on a ukelele!!! which has very small strings i believe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8oxlPoZNbU he just WOW'S me. Edit: thats another one i came across recently. Wow i wish i could express myself through the guitar. Ive tried so many times =/
  13. hehe, you can just close the window right when charlieeeeeee goes into the cave and tell them it ends with him living a happy life and eating candy or something haha.
  14. Haha i guess weird things are an acquired taste. Me and my friends laughed histerically for like 10 mins at least.
  15. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/280260 oh my god. This has to be one of the funniest things ive EVER SEEN! WOW, JUST WOW!
  16. This is the exact error i just got one minute ago. mySQL: Too many connections on line 5 in /var/www/vhosts/uploadingit.com/httpdocs/includes/mysql.class.php dont know if it will help or not.
  17. No problem, i know its been posted quite a few times but i didnt feel like looking cuz im lazy lol, and i didnt wanna ressurect one.
  18. http://www.archive.org/web/web.php Im sure something like this has been posted before, but with this you can type in a site and see it archived as it was at a certain period of time. Some sites dont work, due to something called Robots.txt whatever that is, and some also look retarted because you cant see some of the pictures but it still brings back memories.
  19. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Well its down my basement, but its finished so its a living room environment. I will probably be playing my 360 on it, for few hours a day depending on what kinda games i get. Im sure my family and I will watch movies as well, but it will be sorta universal..
  21. Okay well my family is looking for a tv to put in our almost finished basment. Were not too sure on a size yet and we really donno what to start looking at. Ive heard bad things about plasma but was recently told they were better than LCD. I figured the members of TMN could give me feedback on whats better. Also we have to buy it at bestbuy and are looking for 40+ inch. so if anyone could find a nice one on www.bestbuy.com it would be greatly appreciated. P.s THIS IS MY FIRST POLL ON TMN OMFG LOL.
  22. These have been around for ages, i love them!!!
  23. If i moved to india i would be rich!!!!!
  24. I dont have any complains about motorolla's, Ive heard LG makes one heck of a phone!
  25. Fixed, you own dlewis. THANKS!
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