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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. You better slow down man you might hurt yourself with them speeds.
  2. Either that or he has some huge multi taskers in his family who need more than one comp
  3. good to hear, i missed my attachments.
  4. ooooh, wow thats horrible, imagine if the had to switch locations
  5. I cant figure out what that is???
  6. Ya ok, so stop wearing the short skirts except for the one with pink tassels.
  7. *cough* fell off the back of a truck *cough* man i got a cold
  8. That sucks man, wont be the same without you. Hey while your gone take some time to think about not wearing those short skirts anymore. k?
  9. I was thinking the same thing, how did you manage that?
  10. your not even on ! get on dude for those who dont know how to get teamspeak. go to www.goteamspeak.com download the teamspeak 2 CLIENT, install it, type the server under adress type a nickname, make sure you are checked off as annonymous for the first time logging in and click conncect.
  11. Cmon everyone, lets get this teamspeak rolling.
  12. Yep its up and running, but no one is on, im all alone!
  13. Okay, you should get on dude
  14. Try using this who ever is having problems uploadingit.com:8767
  15. Maybe. I wanna get on and talk to you all
  16. Ya dude im getting the same thing with it
  17. Nah lol all ports for ts are forwarded, it works flawlessly with other servers -.-
  18. LOL, i know how to use ts Ive been hosting a teamspeak for half a year now
  19. I still cant connect to that teamspeak server.
  20. Nooo, i dont want to get owned by a ninja smiley, i want a ninja smiley on TMN
  21. As a matter of fact im over due for a major owning. Nobody has owned me recently. *GOD DAMN A NINJA SMILEY WOULD FIT HERE PERFECT!!!!*
  22. Wow. anyone wanna loan me a red paper clip?
  23. Okay well have it fully equiped with all terrain state of the art equipment that no one has. We need to save up some TMN bucks to pay the gov. to make that for us. So who wants to donate TMN bucks?!?!?
  24. Yes exactly like shug. Except i wouldnt be in the skirt.
  25. ya we do! Then we can hire a driver, or we can have someone volunteer from the site to drive around the world picking up members to go to a HUGE TMN meeting.
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