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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. HEY lets leave my ass out of this. I dont want that pretty thing to get hurt. This is me and you, not both sides of the pond .. MONO E MONO.
  2. Ill be there next time dont you worry
  3. ya sometimes each side of the pond has like wars, we lose some people its kinda tragic but we all get along when were not killing eachother in war. LOL JP. Welcome to the forum
  4. lol
  5. Lol i dont think i ever said i had the highest package on comcast.... my comcast package is 6/384.. you must be confusing me with someone else.
  6. /hate lol i wish i had that upload. I'm like 384kbps ON A GOOD DAY.
  7. Haha good old manual labor
  8. Thats the plan
  9. Hes not a daddy YET. Not too far away i believe.
  10. Lmao she shouldnt have a problem with that. :2funny:
  11. Okay tommie truce. We can split the breast milk and milk chocolate chocolate chip cookies
  12. *already has good cookies in a safe hidden somewhere in new jersey*
  13. O_O! i really pray to god that first cup was milk.. as a matter of fact *runs to bathroom* that milk tasted bad!! dam u tommie. I would have gotten away with it. if it werent for those meddeling members.
  14. I only took a little milk *little did tommie know ryan drank all the milk then went out back and milked the cow into the cup, so who knows how unsafe that milk is... because its unpasteurized* nah i would never drink your milk tommie
  15. *steals cookie* ryan took the cookie from the cookie jar, "who me? couldnt be".. then who?!?! edit quote to match my edit that was edited to match tommie's edit...hahaha,,,no biggie...i'm bakin more cookies
  16. Ok cool, so you can host it. Now we have to find out if CA3LE approves of this. Anyone else see reasons why this wouldnt work?
  17. o i c. Okay.
  18. Lol i wonder why they didnt make a 8000 ,or 8600 they just skipped right to top of the line
  19. your upload doesnt suck. Most ISP's give low uploads.
  20. you got me!
  21. Wishful thinking but i hope so.
  22. Ya you mentioned rip off and i agree like 90%.
  23. hahaha i just noticed the gee
  24. Ya thats what i call false advertising. I also dont have my 2meg upgrade i was promised.. AND im getting like 25 hops to every web site i go to when im told 15 is the normal. I checked with a few people in my area and they all have 20+ hops.
  25. Happy birthday
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