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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Okay ill try that in a little bit thanks. Its actually coming out of the speaker with the nob on it i think.
  2. :2funny: A COKE AND A JAW BREAKER!!! oh man that made my day.
  3. I voted mine is priceless
  4. Im sure tdawnaz or a mod will add a poll for you soon Personally you couldnt pay me 100grand to do "the irreversible procedure"
  5. amanda = A MAN DUH oh and shug im not sure if you want to do 10 dollars an inch because i dont think it would be more than 20 dollars JP.
  6. Happy birthday everyone, Lets hope for many many more to come
  7. Ill give them a call tomorrow. I hope its nothing that has to be repaired by them >_< dont wanan have to ship these out lol.
  8. It sounds like its coming from one of the right speakers, theres two.
  9. Nah i have the volume less than half way. Anyone else have any possible solutions. so far i have checked connections to computer and sub, re installed sound card drivers, lowered volume on the pc, and on the speaker. Ive never abused these speakers .. the volume is never EVER blasted so i doubt its a speaker problem caused by me.
  10. AHHH! spoke too soon, the pop is back =/
  11. Thanks, i was starting to panic because i spent a decent amount of money on these, and me.. i never keep receipts. Bad habbit i guess. So if these things go. Bye bye money.
  12. Oh okay, the sound seems to have stopped, whether it be the sound card drivers or the volume control something did the job. Thanks guys.
  13. yea ive noticed this, its a pretty useful feature =)
  14. Do you mean on the actual volume control on the speaker? or is it somewhere in the software. Ill try reinstalling the drivers later as well.
  15. dlewis23 has a very very nice rock. Man i wish i could afford a rock as nice as his rock. Its all heated and stuff. most i got was a mold covered rock.
  16. OMG DUDE. three stooges...!!!!! u never saw the show?
  17. I dont get it well anyways your curly if im moe. *smack*
  18. Okay everyone, lately ive been hearing a little *pop* come out of my speakers randomly. It happens alot but its not very loud. Its a faint noise but VERY annoying. Someone said maybe its interference but ive had these for a long time and never had this problem. And i dont have anything closer to them that it was before. My cell phone was 1 room away and this was still happening. Someone also said maybe my CRT monitor. But ive had these speakers by this monitor for a year now. Im not too sure where to go from where or how to possible find out what could be wrong. Help would be appreciated , thanks.
  19. Can i be Moe plz??
  20. When me and shug arent in war with sparticus because hes on the other side of the pond. Anyways Welcome to the forum metathran!!!
  21. Tightvnc works great for me, its slow but i dont think that any of them are quick.
  22. I always wonder why that does that.
  23. Agreed, when two forces as powerful as shug and ryan team up. Hide.
  24. PFFFTTTT well see about that.
  25. Uh oh , some competition.. me and shug just might give up our never ending fight to rid you of the pond so we can fight in peace.
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