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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. That light show never gets old for me. Around where i live theres this HUGE HUGE HUGE drive through christmas light show, they build literally a whole drive through carnival of cutom build light statues and stuff. Its so cool. I love going there too, but sadly i havent gone in two years (edited by waterRTBH to modify the topic title)
  2. 32 in. computer monitor, holy sh&%. Thats WAY too big for me. Id prefer 20 or smaller for comp. And as far as tv goes the bigger the better
  3. You must live in a neighborhood where people are too lazy to go out early cuz my aunt passed bestbuy at 4 and the line wrapped around the whole shopping complex
  4. That divorce game sounds like a family game. How does it work?
  5. My aunt and cousin just went to bestbuy at 9:30 a.m, totally wiped out. My cousin who saw boxes laying around not open got curious and opened a few, he found almost every item that was in the paper NOT EVEN OUT OF THE BOX. He called me and i had my pick, i only got the pny 1gig flash drive for 15 bucks. He said he even found the xbox 360 that was on sale!!!! I couldnt believe it.
  6. LOL WOW, i guess i was tired from all that turkey, http://www.addictinggames.com/mealornomeal.html theres the link
  7. Me too, just play its kinda fun.
  8. Oh man i love the show, love the game. This is a fun thanksgiving themed game.
  9. I agree it is somewhat depressing. Funny, but depressing.
  10. ba ha ha ha ha ha, i love when people get the shit scared out of them, i can only imagine how hard you almost fell outta your chair. I know when i first saw something like that i fell backwards :2funny:
  11. So far i think me and dlewis didnt
  12. Im going to eat a deep fried turkey MMMMMMMM its so juicy, bah cant wait
  13. I know whats gonna happen if im close to winning so im not going to try.
  14. tdawnaz AND water?? or tdawnaz OR water??
  15. hahahaha, *puts down midget and comes out with hands up* *RUNS FOR HIS LIFE*
  16. I agree with water im honored to know all of you as well, i celebrate thanksgiving we usually go to both my grandmothers houses and eat twice, so i have to reserve some space in my stomach for two helpings. Gotta eat small servings Happy thanksgiving everyone! :edit: LOL I SAID GOTTA EAT SMALL SERVERS ISNTEAD OF SERVINGS :2funny:
  17. I actually prefer winter over summer as horrible as that sounds. /LOVESNOW /LOVECHRISTMAS
  18. D'd'damm 20's in florida. Your not used to the cold so i can see why thats cold. Its in the 20's here now with the wind chill. But im cool with the cold.
  19. As dlewis said he can host it and im sure it will be a reliable server with him hosting it. We just need CA3LE'S permission and then were good to go.
  20. =O awesome! thanks roco. Merry christmas to you as well
  21. Ah quit complaining you live down south
  22. Im currently searching for the perfect christmas feeling wall paper Love cristmas
  23. Sounds like a plan? Can you video tape that?
  24. Of course some of those 20 people would be from TMN
  25. LOL kill your mother and molest your dog, ive been laughing for 5 minutes now :2funny:
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