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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. I tried them and it wouldnt even open battlefield 2 ... i rolled back the drivers
  2. google web accelerator?
  3. I just tried installing the one u just sent and it said its older than the ones installed.. should i do it anyways?
  4. got anything i can use now...like gaming drivers...
  5. I went on the nvidia site for drivers but im not really sure which is the latest.... i have 81.98 according to my computer.... anyone wanna provide me with a link to the latest grapics drivers.. for pny geforce 6600
  6. Ryan314

    WMP 10

    NVM, i went into advanced options or somethinglike that and it was on mute...
  7. Ryan314

    WMP 10

    ok, but... do i just download wmp 10 off of like limewire to reinstall it?
  8. Ryan314

    WMP 10

    All of a sudden yesterday it stopped playing sound... everything else on my computer generates sound through the speakers except for wmp 10
  9. How are either of these in the ways of quality and compattibility? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp;jsessionid=EZGHQ5Z3ZCRVRKC4D3LFAFQ?skuId=6830637&type=product&productCategoryId=cat01053&id=1091101682150 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7180739&productCategoryId=cat01053&type=product&cmp=++&id=1110267355627 I have an hp pavillion a810n and im on a tight budget so i saw them pretty cheap in bestbuy and was wondering
  10. http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2595749 thats mine.. previously updated to geforce 6600 from an sis 900 or something like that and got a gig of ram soon im getting a sound card
  11. It works but i have to reinstall windows on it.. ill get to it eventually this week
  12. Anyone know a good program to shrink down mpeg 2 files? thanks
  13. Im not sure.. ill find out all about it tomorrow.. until then thanks
  14. How would i change it to slave?
  15. Ok, so my friends computer recently crashed... he doesnt know what happened but hes kinda rich so he bought a new one.. his old hard drive is pretty big and he asked me if i wanted it.. im almost positive its compattible... but im not sure if i can just unplug mine and plug in the other one.. or do i have to do something else?? OR can i run em both at the same time.. would that cause a conflict?? thanks for the attention
  16. Ryan314


    Im not saying its comcasts fault!!!!!!! god it was a firmware update for comcast users that was particularly hard.. and its no revision.. its the 624. I already made a solution New router Going to bestbuy now
  17. Ryan314


    There was a firmware update for comcast users.. thats what it has to do with it buddy.. and no.. i dont use a motorolla its a dlink DI-624
  18. Ryan314


    Yeah updating firmware on my router is like trieng to catch a yellowbellied pig with a fishing pole in the middle of the ocean theres so many steps... takes at least an hour (well thats for the comcast update one)
  19. Ryan314


    Thats the thing.. my router isnt capable of forwarding more than like 4 or 5 ports...thats why its in the DMZ
  20. Ryan314


    Ok, recently im not able to connect to the name authorization server for bf2.. it like.. freezes on that.. i am almost positive its my router.. i think bf2 used to work ok in the DMZ.. but lately it stopped working.. i unhooked my router and plugged it directly to the modem..BOOM it worked im so torn over this that i wanted to buy my own modem for my computer and let my sister take another modem and use the router.. let her deal with it.. she doesnt game any suggestions ...troubleshooting.. etc. ?
  21. OOh my bad
  22. Notice the wink?
  23. Whats that good site for the cracked programs... I mean NON CRACKED.. yeah thats is
  24. Ya but the only thing is my comp is in a dmz.. and i intend to keep it in the dmz .. enabling the firewall would be the same thing as turning the dmz off... and bf2 and all my games require many ports to be forwarded.. im not forwarding all of em what should i do lol
  25. Dlink DI-624
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