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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Ryan314


    If a port was blocked.. i doubt i would even be near 40kb/s...
  2. Ryan314


    i heard the more seeds and peers the faster the dl will be?
  3. Ryan314


    right now im at about 47kb/s, my friend said that he did the same download and got a bout 300kb/s
  4. Ryan314


    I believe so....i mean i have dmz on so a port getting blocked shouldnt be the problem
  5. Ryan314


    Ok im having a problem with bitcomet.. i get very little seeds and about 50 peers. a friend of mine downloaded the same thing and he had about 300 seeds and alot of peers.. the fastest dl speed ive been getting is about 50kbps.. now tis down to 20-30 kbps anyone have any suggestions plz!? thanks
  6. i watched the first one.. response: lmfao rofl i watched the second one... response: wtf.. i got through two quotes and closed it
  7. Let me guess.. its a movie file off limewire. and the reason you cant delete it is because limewire is somehow still using it? if so close limewire then delete if not follow everyone elses suggestions
  8. LOL your a sick rhymer Re: getting f'd in my "a" by d-way its catchy!!
  9. Im on the winning team of that game
  10. Hmm.. if thats actually right your one lucky a$$ dial up user
  11. what browser are you using also make sure your not using any accelerators
  12. I like it but.. every once in a while it will close and give me some error also EVERY time i close it goes *duddalong* makes a noise and pops up with random simultanious errors but its worth it
  13. Hmm, i assume you tried redownloading? also check the FAQ on the site
  14. www.ripway.com very small storage but it provides an HTML code for the song.
  15. http://www.zonealarm.com/
  16. Also sometimes it doesnt pop up that the psp is recognized. Try going to my computer and there will be like a K drive or E drive that would be the psp then inside that there will be psp then inside that make a folder called music for like mp3's and other stuff is coplicated. Movies you have to convert into mp4 and put it in some mproot folder ( if you need to know message me on aim) and games .. umm no clue
  17. you download directly from microsoft or is it from like limewire or something? cuz that would be dumb to dl it off warez cuz the installation is prolly bad if not then im not sure
  18. Try updating. to say 5.0 or 6.0 4.0 is relatively old
  19. adaware se spybot sd microsoft defender ( i havent tried it)
  20. What kind of sound card did you install if any, and what kind of sound card to you have?
  21. I heard in the final release of vista you wont be able to change your backround picture because microsoft feels thats "taking away credit" of their software or some bs pathetic
  22. Wow i just watched that whole things.. those guys are boring lol
  24. I dont get the concept of what this m2 m3 stuff is? could someone please enlighten me
  25. Not true.. most zipped folders have something in the lines of virus bug trojan...trust me i scan everything.. i have to download at least 5 of the same thing to get on without something harmful also yes limewire has spyware in its code.. many spyware scanners i use detect limewire as spyware such as Comcast spyware scanner and a couple others ive tried download fraps.. it was the right size and everything because i checked what the size was..and three out of 4 had a bug
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