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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. No many people have AOL... not many smart people .. but many people
  2. Oh, i never thought of that..
  3. Ive used the router before... its not like its brand new.. its about one year old also its a dlink DCM-202 and it has worked pretty good for a year
  4. Yeah but umm the guy who went from 4mb to 14mb DL.. DONT THINK SO
  5. Ok your isp isnt providing you with an ip.. check with them, maybe they canceled your service.. or Did someone forget to pay their internet bill?
  6. Oh, i thought it was the 360... my uncle has a modded xbox... but he knows some tech who works for .. umm A well known company who installed it for him lol I admit its very very sweet.. but still very illegal
  7. WOW, what idiots.. selling AN XBOX 360 and advertising it to the public... when everyone knows you cant get your hands on one BASICALLY at ANY store. they could have enjoyed their mods in the comfort of their own home and would never have been bothered.
  8. I did try releasing my ip, but i didnt try the setup wizard yet...the only thing is that i have other computers pluigged into the router and they dont work either so that leads me to believe that the router is shot
  9. Yeah i can get on my router page
  10. One sec lemme hook it back up and check
  11. Awesome.. although i wouldnt reccomend that lol If that turns out to be positively true i will be shocked thats sweet
  12. i repaired the connection twice... no change and fattymcbluff.... THATS A GREAT IDEA i was gonna get a new router anyways but yeah im not sure what to do
  13. Yeah it says i have a connection yet nothing on my computer that requires an internet connection works it just says no internet connection or unable to connect
  14. Recently i restarted my modem and router on my room computer, but when they started back up all the lights were fine.. it said i had a connection on windows... yet i really DIDNT have a connection, so i decided to check all my wires... i changed each of my ethernet wires still the problem so then i decided to run my comp directly from the modem and forget the router and it WORKED im wonder is this a sign that my router is going bad? or is there something im doing wrong with settings or something help would be greatly appreciated
  15. Nice
  16. Yeah stinger saved my computer once... my compaq had frozen.. caused by a virus... and it wouldnt allow any connections in so i had a copy of stinger on a floppy (this was way back) and i ran that BOOM fixed it
  17. thats what i was thinking, like maybe the first test was incorrect.. and then he installed cablenut and by coincidence his connection was back to normal
  18. I dont think cablenut even did that for him anyways if it did..i would be VERY VERY VERY surprised
  19. Umm..wait i dont get it.. u have no ethernet slot in your computer .. yet your running on cable? are you using a usb slot?? oh and go to run type in CMD then type in ipconfig/all and see if your isp is even providing you with an ip adress
  20. umm would a static ip work?
  21. cant.. my mom already bought the 6600.. i mean i know the gt is better.. but its not worth going through the trouble of returning the 6600.. going to a check place getting a credit cardgetting the gt w.e the 6600 is still very good ill stick with it
  22. I was gonna get gt, but in bestbuy the gt was way kmore expensive.. and my mom wouldnt let me buy it online cuz she thought best buy was safer yeah newegg i coulda gotten gt for like 140 and at bestbuy i paid 148 for the 6600 but my moms stubborn
  23. alright il try that later
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