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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. I wish i could forward ports on my router.. i always have problems doing it.. even in the dmz the ts server wont work
  2. Im gonna disconnect my router for a test.
  3. still wont work... only i can connect from my comp .. thats it
  4. I gave another my ip and told him to put it in teamspeak.. still didnt work also im guessing i should put :8767 after that correct?
  5. Umm, i have trouble forwarding ports on my router so its in a dmz.. there shouldnt be a port forwarding problem?
  6. Ok i got a server up and running but no one is able to get on it... any of u guys wanna try to see if it works? plz
  7. Oh ok, im downloading the server now... anywhere specific i should save it?
  8. Im not talking about TEAMSPEAK itself .. i already have the client.. i need a server
  9. I know this sounds like a noob question but,.,,, Is there any way to get a free team speak server? i mean i have been told that its relativlely easy to get my own/free teamspeak server but i havent exactly been told HOW Or if anyone has a public teamspeak server that me and about three friends could use? Thanks
  10. Glad to hear its fixed
  11. So you were paying for a 15mb plan.. and were getting 5mb... how long did you let that persist?
  12. Thanks cholla, that was it
  13. Nope, lol i think im gonna give up...
  14. Still nope = ( it was a post on here and it was like "How good of a gaming computer is yours" or something like that and it ran a test and told you how good your comp was compared to all the other people who scanned their comp
  15. No not that one, its like... checks your comp for all parts and stuff and tells you how good it is..
  16. Whats the site that it can scan your computer and check how good of a gaming system you have? a link would be appreciated
  17. uploads like... 364 or w.e the comcast is.. umm im not really sure how fast on aim.. its usually like... 50kbps lol
  18. Is there any other method?
  19. Recently me and my friend have been exchanging relatively large files... weve been using aim whats the fastest/easiest/ oh and free'st way to transfer large files back and forth? thanks
  20. whats the default user name and pass for most routers?
  21. Oh trust me.. when i was done with it today..Lets put it this way.... i need a new router lol
  22. Did that several times..
  23. LOL, even i know that and im in CPM math... haha
  24. Yeah, so do i .. but still... ALOT of people have AOL... as i said not many smart people.. but im sure its up in the 10's of millions
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