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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. HAHA, ya... thats so funny how you can change a topic in the blink of an eye
  2. Also people are smart.. they know what is popular and on high demand.. so they know what to put trojans, worms and virus' in trust me scan EVER ZIPPED FOLDER... AND ANYTHING ELSE THATS NOT MP3 OR WMA
  3. Lets label it... The armed forces or something lol or "The controversy over the war in iraq"
  4. Said like a true american LOL P.s Dlewis check out my sig i made in pscs2 you havent been on aim so i couldnt show you Im proud of it =)
  5. I hope this doesnt turn into one of those "my browser is better" wars dont you hate them?
  6. try typing your ip into internet explorer... your routers home page should come up.. from there look for.. security or.. gaming options or DMZ.. once you find dmz click enable.. it should ask you for the last number of your ip type that in only thing is you should get a firewall because enabling the DMZ will leave you totally open to the internet - another option would to find out the ports bittorrent requires to be open try going to www.portforward.com click your router and look for bittorrent
  7. Ryan314


    Did someone recently plug an ipod that is not yours into your computer? because if they did that they will be prompted to delete everything off of your itunes i believe or maybe its just a seperate account...
  8. sweet lol.. there should be a sticky topic on cool programs.. that would be sweet!!!
  9. VERY NICE!!!
  10. Thanks for the suggestions, my settings on bf2 are all minimal.. which even if they werent wouldnt be the prob because when i got bf2 i ran at all medium settings very very smoothe.. my comp is dust free for the most part.. i blow it out regularly.. my next step is to buy another fan or two thanks again
  11. If you dont want to get the screen fixed ... maybe a docking station would be a bit cheaper? that way you could slide the laptop into the station and use it on a regular monitor... thats just a suggestion
  12. I kinda figured.... the reason might be that im not sure if the motherboard monitor supports my mother board... im not even sure what kind of motherboard i have
  13. it says..case is -1 degrees celcius and CPU is -2 degrees celcius.. is that odd?
  14. i got the PNY geforce 6600 256mb AMD athlong 64 processor 3300+, 2.4 GHz 1.0gig of ram and about 160 gigs of hd.. i dont believe its overheating but.. whats a good program to check the internal temperature?
  15. Oh and i dont have an intel.. its AMD
  16. Nope i left this card alone.. no oc
  17. Only one guy at geeksquad could help me with my problem on my old dell... it was a long time ago and i knew nothing.. ok so i had installed video drivers and all of a sudden the comp colors were messed up and i forgot i installed new drivers... (remember me then = noob) so i asked everyone of them and only ONE even knew what a video driver was.... >.< and im not exagurating
  18. Ya i know what it is.. i didnt think it made sense either but i figured it cant hurt to try
  19. Yeah it didnt help... it made it worse for some reason.. i ran the game got into a server and crashed so i changed the refresh rate back to 60.. back to my old half hour of playing then crashing
  20. How can i check and or change my desktop refresh rate... recently as i play battlefield 2 ill be playing the game will lag.. then a couple secs after screen goes black and goes to my desktop.. someone said my desktop refresh rate could be the problem?
  21. But always remember.. its a small internet after all, its a small internet after all... the good ol' song
  22. I installed and after restarting my backround picture was corrupt.. but thats it the pic is still ok under my pics its just the backround in its form couldnt be used
  23. Only thing that caught my eye was when it said back up all of your important files right on the beginning of the isntall.... thats shady
  24. lol its np at all.. i just rolled em back thanks for being so helpful though
  25. Srry for the late reply.. well i restarted my computer and i usually can right click on like the desktop and it will say nvidia options. that was gone.. then i tried launching some games such as BF2 and CSS neither worked
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