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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. What card is better, ati radeon 9600xt or geforce 6600? i was told geforce 6600 but i wasnt too sure if my sources were correct
  2. http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2488031 lol my stock hp is in top 18% but when christmas comes around im getting a gig of ram geforce 6600 and a new power supply, maybe a new sound card then ill be mucho higher lol
  3. My dmz for some reason isnt working...i entered my ip of the comp... put it on enabled.. clicked accept.. then when the page refreshed it said dmz disabled... wtf
  4. I highly doubt cablenut gave you that much of a jump in dl speeds...... but, maybe im wrong
  5. make sure its a micro atx power supply.. that cant be stressed enough.. ihad the same problem i planned on buying a geforce 6600 video card then i found out i needed more power.. so i figured out i needed micro atx and they are pretty hard to find.. and WAY MORE EXPENSIVE THAN ATX yeah i paid like 20 for a 350w i got lucky...
  6. lol sweet dude
  7. umm.. try a tracert test post those results.. someone might be able to help if not call ur isp and consult them also what internet browser are you using? i have had problems with firefox finish the tests
  8. im sure if you call your phone company they have a log of all numbers coming in maybe check their website there might be a thing where u can log onto and check all the numbers incoming not sure though if all else fails record the voice and put it on a cd then walk around school playing it to ppl asking if they know who it is then when you find out who it is kick their a$$ haha JP
  9. WOW ebay got owned lol
  10. i got bored and just went to do it, that was easy.. lol ill test the game in the morning until then.. windows firewall is protecting me =/
  11. Oh ok thanks for clearing that up for me, ill try doing that in the morning.. im getting bf2 for christmas and i dont want to not be able to play it on christmas.. i would be VERY mad if i couldnt haha yeah.. thanks alot
  12. oh ok , ill take your word for it.. im not gonna take time to google it.. (im lazy) lol
  13. and you know this how?
  14. Sorry if this is a noob question but what does dmz stand for?
  15. I need to allow a port on my router.. how would i do that? the port format is 7700-7800 thats the port number.. but what kind of port would that be considered? trigger port/ public port? and what would that be upc udp or both? im so confused.. i can play americas army FLAWLESSLY and the graphics are better than that.. its something with my gunz game... please someone help
  16. This is not confirmed.... but our best guess is either the psx will come out some time after the ps3 OR...it is the ps3... or it doesnt even exist anymore
  17. OMG lol , before u said that i enabled the mac filtering FORGETTING to add my computer lmao omg i almost fell off the chair when i realized what i had done... i just restarted the comp forget it lol ill just find some random ones around my neighborhood easiest way haha
  18. Just disabled wep and im still getting check security settings error
  19. says connection error occured, check security settings for network and try again but im positive i entered encryption code right
  20. yes
  21. thats the thing.. there isnt a list.. that i can see to add a mac adress,.,.
  22. oh theres a thing that says 802.11g mode only.. but it says disabled so that isnt the problem
  23. i found a thing that says filters and it says ip filters and mac filters.. ip filters is checked.. i cant find anything to do with 802.11b or g
  24. Those are the options
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