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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. Yeah, if they have known this since may.. maybe they would have told us sonner ya know that way we are a bit more careful on what we download and what sites we go on i donno maybe im wrong ....
  2. Thats good to know!
  3. Why in gods name pay 400 dollars for a cell phone that has a piece of s**t camera and video when u can spend like 100-300 on a good digital camera that has great quality pictures and video.. then just buy a phone with no camera for like 50 bucks from verizon... SIMPLE
  4. Yeah sites being weird
  5. yeah like sharks when they lose teeth.. they grow back withing like a couple of days.... i wish that humans could do that with any body part especially if i was that guy whos girlfriend bit off his (cencored) haha
  6. First of all is your chasis gonna be micro atx or atx... id reccomend atx because they are more common to buy power supplies for and second of all power supplies arent very expensive UNLESS u want the top of the line with all extras on it and crap i personally have a micro atx because my comp came with that kind of chasis but if i was building a comp id go with atx
  7. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF TEST MY.NET SPUN OUT OF EXISTENCE...dun dun dun lol really..whats up with this
  8. I heard by christmas of 06 most likely...
  9. ROFL now thats funny.... i donno why it got deleted.. even though its off topic
  10. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 7541 Kbps about 7.5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 920 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Nov 29 23:48:21 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 135X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.11 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 68.48 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JUB41EGQ8 thats my normal speed
  11. Actually im not going to lie...i just found out those speeds might have been cached = ( didnt know google web accelerator did that... i uninstalled it real speeds are back
  12. I have the same thing goin on except i cant do anything at all like anything i click i get that error
  13. Yeah Vcast is the only one i can think of...i heard its not even worth it.. screens small... very unstable... but i guess u cant expect that much from wireless broadband on a cell phone
  14. Dude u got that? my aunt went to BB to get it for my grandma and there was a line around the whole building and back up to the door... only the first 20 got a ticket for the comp...
  15. LOL, lightweight
  16. me three
  17. WMP10, Div- x player, and sometimes nero 7
  18. lol thats cool, ive been to some meuseum of science where they have some machine that u can arm wrestle someone half way across the country
  19. Oh my bad lol, wasnt paying attention
  20. Try google web accelerator... that might speed up how fast u load pages
  21. for what service provider?
  22. Html = Hyper text mark up language( in other words a code that will make a picture or something) Just go to google and type in html pictures or something and u should get some codes for pictures to put in there ( sorry if its not clear)
  23. Go into your profile and go under forum profile information then go under signatures and post an html code in there
  24. i bet you two scooby snacks your right
  25. U think that will work on my comp? like are they all standard.. cuz i dont know ANYTHING about power supplies.. except the kind that i need lol
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