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Everything posted by water

  1. AWESOME - I get to go back to work tomorrow... oh yeah DOH! I get to go back to work tomorrow :/
  2. I will give you a great big hug *HHHHHHUUUUUUGGGGGG* and wish you the safest travels and the least harm to you and your loved one's.... You are a brave man, and I really respect that ! Stay safe, we'll be looking for you!
  3. I am online for about 18 hours out of the day - I am on constantly when I am home helping peeps, and being here, but I also have a ton of online work to do at work.... such a shame, how about the rest of you? and shug - I don't wanna hear about your ass again
  4. Roco, you would be amazed at how much that kid looks up to you and wants to earn your respect, it merely takes dialogue between you both. I learned a lot through my divorce, and I learned the most when my kid said : Mom, talk to me and tell me what you're thinking. They care, and they are young enough and pure enough to take it in. Talking matters WAY more than a logger!
  5. intense, this is a great way to get your friend involved with her children. It may seem cheesy, but I think it will work for her if she choses to take this route: http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/famwebrules.mspx
  6. You can also try this site, they offer tips about how to educate your kids about bad stuff online. http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/default.mspx It would help if you would tell us what your friend was looking to in particular. another alternative is a router that will email you when kid goes to a site that has bad words. Something that has parental control features in it's discription. I.E.: You want to look for 'parental control features' on the box for the router. Linksys WRT54GS wireless router and the ZyXEL HomeSafe Parental Control Gateway model HS-100W both do it
  7. You can use a program like VNC (www.realvnc.com) to monitor activities on the computer by watching the screen remotely.
  8. how about this one? http://stuff2do.systs.net/yabbfiles/Smilies/lick.gif
  9. This thread was the shit, who didn't sign? ...it ain't over yet, I may become president! *beams and twirls*
  10. Nice speakers CA3LE, I'll send you my address if you want to mail me a set of my own...
  11. Thanks ... I started reading it, but I'll keep reading, I checked it out this morning, I spent about 4 hours reading before I even went to take a look, **hugs**. Thanks! I'm not expecting to make a decision today, after all his b-day isn't until February, and it's a big step with most of the work needing to be done by me and my husband since the kids are here part time only. Which is why I am being so anal about research and tips from friends to choose yes or no. But my kids are really good kids, and they don't ask for a lot, and they do a lot here around the house or help out without complaints (for the most part) when I ask. I feel that responsibility should breed reward with kids. Not the other way around (as in You didn't do this so I'm taking this away). Not that THAT doesn't have it's place, but these kids are turning out pretty great because Aggr3 and I try to be consistant and not berate them for their failures. Then again, I guess the honor role could be made a factor ...yes?
  12. Ignore him tommie, he's just mad because I can have me all the time . Yeah - Komodo Dragons do rock, but I also want something kid safe
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's it, now I owe you one
  14. I saw one of those in the pet store too, I loved it, but I don't think I could do the snake thing for very long, and I doubt my daughter would be OK with it. That's something Aggr3's going to have to advise me on with her, but I still don't think I'd be ok with a python. I know logically that they're safe, but I also have a friend who lost his Boa Constrictor in the house, and that would make me unable to sleep or take a shower if that happened.
  15. Well, The Dog got his own pet on his 11th birthday. We bought him a red-eared slider, coolest turtle I ever saw. When we got him he was the size of a quarter and looked like this 1st picture attached, Now he's a year and a month old, about 6 inches in diameter, and a treat to own. See second picture. He recognizes us, he will let us hold him (although he really wants to eat MY fingers, I don't know why all these animals want to eat me...) and he's really fun to watch. He wasn't too healthy when we first got him, I found out later he was sold to me illegally, and under poor housing conditions for the little babies, but we did everything we were supposed to do and now he is vigorous and healthy. We also have three cats, Isis, Osiris, and Thoth. Isis was supposed to be a gift for me, but ended up bonding with my husband, a year later a friend told me he had a kitten that was black and a runt and asked if I wanted him. I said yes, and when he and his family came over to bring the kitten over, they had another cat that they brought with them. They told me I didn't have to take him, but the wife had saved him from the shelter (as it was his last day before being put to sleep) and she wanted to know if I would take him. Of course I said yes. We buy feeder fish for yertle as he needs a balanced diet of plants and meat and turtle food to stay healthy in captivity. He decided not to eat them for a while and now they have gotten big enough to be called Carp . Big enough that there were two births of baby fish in two weeks. Now that you have the backstory, help me decide. My next child is due to trun 11 in February, and this is going to be a big decision. See, he wants a pet of his own (like the cats aren't enouguh) and he wants a lizard. He says he wants a Gecko (picture 3), and I have no problems with that. After researching a bit, I found that Gecko's are a bit more high maintenance and "touchy" with different problems, and I'm not too sure about it. I did however find out about Bearded Dragons (picture 4), who are lizards that are pretty good with kids. I went to the pet store today to buy some toys for the cats, and a plant for Yertle to eat and a couple of real small feeder fish that he wouldn't be too scared *rolls her eyes* to eat. I saw the Gecko, the Bearded Dragon and the Chinese Water Dragon, which is WAY cool, and I might get him for myself.... I may just go with a bat. And name it "my Ex-Husband Bob". Then when uninvited people came over I could invite them in and they would see the bat hanging from the ceiling and I could say "Meet my Ex-Husband Bob". hehehehehe Seriousy, does anyone own or have you owned reptiles and what do you recommend in the family for a kid of 11?
  16. Lookie, there's a cake in your profile! /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> I hope it's a GRAND day!
  17. Hello there - I'm glad to have you here - I am currently arging with a friend .... well, because I can ....so sit back and enjoy the rest of TMN! (it's great)
  18. since 9/11? I know where I was, I was supported by my husband, during the beginning of a messy divorce, this moment became part of our strength in the aftermath, and our combined belief in the ability of the U.S. and of "us" as a world to rise above this atrocity. We, in America, learned lessons on how our allies and even our detractors felt about our beliefs and the things we had attempted to do to improve the world as a whole. You may make comments on our differences and on our "superpoweredness", but we found out that day that we were as vulnerable as everyone else.... that no matter our passion for the betterment of the world, we were a target of hate. That woke many of us up. That is what taught us the hatred of the world for us, we lived in a little bubble that we felt was safe, and we revered it, and yet, we found out that we were hated by many that thought we were their friends, and we were loved by many we didn't even know the name of. Canadians spoke out for us, as did Romanians and Russians and some French as well.... we learned that trust is fleeting and that beliefs are ingrained. We learned that strength is in our brother and in the stranger next door. We learned not to assume, and we learned that love is eternal. As a country we mourned and yet we woke up the next day stronger than the day before, we became closer to people we would never have once looked at. We became that which we most feared in the strangest of ways. We became one. We forgot politics. We forget differences. We forgot what hate meant. We remembered only that the man that died "up there" was our father, our brother, our friend. We learned to appreciate that what we used to take for granted. We also learned what segregation meant, and we took it out on everyone of muted color. If they looked Muslim, we looked thrice. We dishonered everything we learned because of our fear for our newfound loved one's whom we didn't even know. For a short time we took the "low road" and we reveled in it. We perceived the whole as the enemy, and we lashed out. Even the common man became again a racist, yet not at that which we were so afraid before. At the unknown. I found out later that I lost a dear friend at 9/11, one who had taught me some valuable lessons in tech school in the Air Force. He taught me that I could never know what was in a man's mind, only what the person wanted me to hear, and it was a bitter memory when I reconciled it to 9/11. But it was a lesson we all need to remember, that we only know what we see and what we hear, and that the rest is in "God's" hands. What brings this topic to my mind you ask? I went and saw the movie World Trade Center, and it is 8 days before the anniversary of that date. The movie ripped at me - I was in tears through most of it, but the memories of everything that have happened since raise me up. I am plagued by the fact that if we weren't so naive as a country it would not have happened, but I am held high by the fact that we still have not quit on each other. I have told everyone that has asked me since that date that I am not ashamed by my prior mistakes, nor am I bitter about the prior "acts against me". Those are the things that created the person I am, and I am proud of that person, and honored to be her. She's pretty awesome. I hope you all find the same peace within yourselves, and acknowledge that atrocities made against you. Only then will you move on without fear of repercussion and having the full ability to live life to it's fullest. And in the pre-emptive moments of the anniversity of 9/11, I wish you the fullness of knowledge of who you are and who you have become. I am sure it will be wildly publicized again for political gain, or for terrorist motives, but at the end of the day, you became the greatness you are, or not: partly because of the trauma of that day in 2001. It was a moent of learning, and we did. I believe that I have healed, with some scars, and some loss, but I know more now, and I doubt I will be taken by surprise of such as that morning at work. I believe now that I have more to offer others, especially in their own times of need that I can find some peace from that day. THIS critic does not feel so, but maybe he should seek the heart and mind of the average real person that doesn't write for fame daily: The world has changed, I for one feel it is for the better. sorry for the rant.
  19. it's ok hun, the ritalin will help eventually
  20. you used to call me you little pokie bear keep it up....
  21. quote my post again, and you can wear a six year old girls panties when I'm done
  22. I knew I liked him... in tight pants ..... (water) LOL
  23. but the song was better! and this one rocks! U2 Grace
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