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Everything posted by water

  1. No, you're a man And you need a bigger remote! :haha:
  2. anyone else want to tell how they found testmy?
  3. www.secondshifters.com LOL :haha:
  4. it's cool, im just nosey (been proven ) LOL
  5. *dies laughing* some people's kids....
  6. My street team leader is named nipplenecromancer: want to meet him? LOL
  7. You want the miniskirt don'tcha? LOL
  8. Keep it up guys, it's not only history, it's becoming history. Let's get CA3LE's site listed on the top hitters on google!
  9. So tell us, how did you find the site, and why did you decide to sign up?? Me? Well my ex-hubby Aggr3 was Always talking about the site, and so one night, while I was messing with him on instant messenger, I decided to join, and the rest is history....
  10. DUDE! I am SO sorry.... *snickers* Tell me they just had a great sense of humor and PLANNED that!!! Please??
  11. Excellent! PM it to me too ... NOW GET BACK ON TOPIC! What does your username mean peoples?
  12. LMAO!!!! Well, you know... it might take them another year and half, give it a shot! :haha:
  13. *falls over laughing* evil! EVIL EEEEVIIIILLLLLL
  14. you play the organ? your name reminds me of a song by Citizen Cope: "Let The Drummer Kick"
  15. P.P. That's either fabulous, or cruel, depending on your mental state.... what's your middle initial?
  16. I think it's why Aggr3 married me in the first place.
  17. You didn't know I am really Linda Blair?
  18. Let's put it this way, back when we rode dinosaurs to school, through the blizzard, 18 miles both ways, Roco wasn't even a gleam in his fathers eye yet ! LOL
  19. you're such a brat!
  20. *grins* wise, you are
  21. I wonder if any new people want to tell why they chose their username.... Hello? Hello? Anyone? Beuhler?
  22. Green=vomit? vomit = dial up?
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