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Everything posted by RAINMAKA

  1. i ran prime95 for 12 hours with no errors, not totally sure i did the right settings but my cpu was at 100% give or take.
  2. i just finished building my first computer and I'm looking for some benchmarks tests. Like 3dMark 01 etc, and perhaps some other good ones. And maybe someones know where i can find the website that makes a sig based on your hardware.
  3. Crazy Naru what school do you go to?
  4. almost forgot very nice work swimmer
  5. thanks blunted, just had to turn down my firewall real quickly
  6. how come i can never see the picture, i click on the attachment but nothing happens
  7. i dont know what i would do if i came across a dead body
  8. i wish i would have looked in nero before i asked. i have nero 7 and i just found it, hopefully it works
  9. does anybody know where i can find a free ISO creator or a trial to one. all the ones i find have a limit of like 300MB.
  10. i dont know where they went but i like the new box thing
  11. its never fast enough, considering you may get more speed for free
  12. for an extra $10 a month i would upgrade, if you dont get close to the advertised speeds then i would go back to what you have right now. thats what i would do.
  13. i really like the upload
  14. those are my favorite colors, i painted my xbox silver and orange and came out pretty nice. i also made my jewel clear. i plan to do more and perhaps some 360 mods when i get another 360
  15. pride fighting is the best, then ufc. wrestling is ok but rarely keeps my attention.
  16. whats the upload like?
  17. born in norwich, ct and live in griswold, ct for about 12 years now. its nice living out in the suburbs but can get boring sometimes.
  18. i can hope, but since i cant get dsl, fios is highly unlikely. but maybe a faster cable company will move in.
  19. i would definetly get the 20MB plan considering its only 45 a month and im paying 57 a month for 6000/512
  20. i wish i could download 1.3GB in 6 minutes
  21. thats what i plan on doing. but ill will also sell my spot in line, when i was waiting in line for 360 a guy offered me 250 for my spot and i would have taken the money if i hadn't been in line so long.
  22. no i was talking about the trailer that dlewis posted.
  23. im assuming that was for pc, but is it coming out for 360 too?
  24. i would think that it just goes through a ethernet cable, but i may be wrong
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