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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Yea, I didn't start watching until last season, so what I would do was I rented the previous seasons on the weekend and then could watch the new episode on monday. If you haven't seen the previous season you really should rent them so you can understand whats going on this season better, and the old seasons are just as good as the current one.
  2. Go to the site resopalrabotnick posted, you just type in someones name and it generates some really long article.
  3. I think just doing the radiator in the fridge, or a tube with the cool air the fridge could handle and still cool my pc efficiently.
  4. Could a fridge handle that? They aren't made to cool things that generate constant heat. So would it be efficient if I just put the mobo and everything in there? (Kinda worried about condensation too)
  5. Do you mean the whole pc in the fridge, or just an external radiator?
  6. I thought the bears were gonna pull one out there at the end, oh well I wasnt really rooting for either team.
  7. Chinese consulate is gonna be pissed!
  8. Did it come with some kind of cable? usb, firewire? I'm pretty sure bluetooth is blocked on that phone unfortunately.
  9. Hmmm I've already got a small fridge in my room maybe I could mod that somehow to make a cooling system. I wonder if I could make a setup for a water cooling system so that you had the radiator actually in the fridge, or have it intake the cool air from the fridge? I don't think condensation would be much of a problem cause the radiator would be outside the case. Think something like this could work?
  10. Yea you would be kinda lost.
  11. Wow, I don't understand that thing at all.
  12. Anybody else gonna watch the monster 4 hour premiere tonight and tomorrow?
  13. Glad to see bettis is getting closer to a superbowl this season cause he could be retiring.
  14. What package are you paying for? (your advertised speeds)
  15. Sounds a little expensive, I would probably try the tub of vegetable oil before I do something with liquid nitrogen.
  16. Now thats an idea .
  17. So would it be worth me waiting for a phase change cooler like that to cool my cpu to sub zero temps instead of water cooling?
  18. Generally when you install a new operating system on a computer, like is you built one you go to the website for your motherboard and find all the drivers but if all your stuff is working correctly I don't think you need to install the drivers again. If you have any problems you should try and update the drivers though.
  19. Are you having problems with anything on the laptop, sound, lan, video, because if your not then all the drivers all probably already installed correctly from the windows cd itself.
  20. I was looking to spend about 250 at danger den for a custom water cooling system, but if I could get a phase change cooling unit for 200 that would be so much better. Any idea how much noise phase change makes? I've never used one before so idk.
  21. Wow this is sweet, 350 for a phase change system is cheap. http://www.legitreviews.com/article/282/1/
  22. Yea I'm going to start with air cooling to see if I can keep it pretty cool and quiet, but if I can't then I might get some water cooling stuff.
  23. I'm hoping to hit 2.8 when I get my opteron, prolly won't break the 3ghz barrier but that would indeed be cool.
  24. This isn't about dvds, but what is that picture of? Its bothering me so much cause I cant figure out what it is .
  25. The motherboad has everything I need, is a good oc, and is cheap. Im going opteron cause its just like a 3700 but a little better for overlocking.
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