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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I know dual wan routers have been talked about before, but I would like to know if it is possible to subscribe to two connections from rr. If it is possible to have two cable modems, then would I be able to hook them up to a dual wan router and use some type of load balancing? Just wondering if its possible to have 2 rr accounts at one house...
  2. All these consoles look so sweet I'll prolly end up buying all three
  3. Does this mean port 80 and 21 won't be blocked because its a buisness plan? So then you could host a server or something...
  4. I use Avast anti virus also, and sygate firewall. Its one of the best combos out there...
  5. If so, what do you think will happen in tonights episode...
  6. If you want a speed increases with your two 80gb hdd then you should look into raid configurations. Raid 0 (Stripping) is basically when part of the file your saving is saved to each hardrive, so theoretically it should take about half as long. So you can combing the two 80gb and have one raid 0 fast 160 drive that you can install mulitiple operating systems on. So when you start up your computer you can choose between xp, 98, linux etc.
  7. http://www.voanews.com/english/2005-03-31-voa38.cfm
  8. Thats a nice case organ shifter, mine isnt as pretty but I do have the same liquid cooling unit and it works great.
  9. What is the fastest broadband connection I can get for my house. I've been using RR and only getting about 4.6mbs. I've decided that this isn't enough and I would like to either upgrade to premium or find another option for an isp. Please post if you have any fast isp you know of. P.S:It has to be available in America
  10. Yes i do sp2 and thnx for the help.
  11. Yea,too bad I'm not in Ny...
  12. I've got standard rr and I'm waiting for the upgrade to come in effect for my area, until then I want to tweak my connection to get the most out of it I can. Any suggestions?
  13. He said they were first working on getting the download speeds upgraded for everyone, and that the next priority would be the upload speeds for everyone. Unfortunately I have no idea what kinda of upgrade this will be, hopefully a big one and soon
  14. [glow=green,2,300]I have confirmation that the RR upgrade will be in effect as of January 31st for all RR customers. This will bump the basic RR from 3Mbs-5Mbs(375kbs-625kbs) but no change to the upload speed as of yet, I also have just found out the premium service will also be upgraded from 6Mbs to 8Mbs (750kbs-1000kbs) as with the basic service there will be no upload speed change. 5mbs/384kbs for 45 bucks is a very reasonable price for broadband, and those looking for a little more speed should get the premium service because 8mbs/512kbs for 69.95 is a great deal. Just thought I'd give you all an update on the RR upgrade situation, because up until now I had no idea the premium service would be upgraded, and the time warner rep I spoke with said the upload speeds would be upgraded soon.[/glow]
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