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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. You can run some cat 5 from your router to your ps2 pretty cheaply. Or you can try and ask the RR Tech to do it and see what they would charge. Just what I was thinking pitbull
  2. I assume that the PRO/100 in the ethernet cards name means its capable of 100 Mbs, if so that is more than enough to handle RR. (Basic Road Runner = 5mbs)
  3. To answer your question, yes. But cable tv rarely goes out so you shouldn't have to worry about losing your internet connection too much.
  4. You can always get an aim account for free, which allows you to go into chat rooms...
  5. I've never tried that, but it sounds like it would work.
  6. Smoothwall is great if you have a old computer you can put it on. Just put some extra nics in it and your set.
  7. Since Earthlink and RR are basically the same thing does that mean Earthlink has no cap either?
  8. Ive been using Sygate for 2 years now and have no complaints, so far its the best I've seen.
  9. The Motorola is better than the Toshiba, its also not that big of a deal. I have a Motorola SB4200 and I still get fast speeds.
  10. You can buy a router, or get one from time warner to rent. Basically what this does is it hooks up to your Road Runner modem and it splits your connection. Because it splits your connection you can hook up multiple computers, or PS2's.
  11. Well the one thing I can tell you for certain is you will be very happy when you get Road Runner. Only bad thing is you have to wait
  12. You should get speeds pretty close to your cap (5Mbs/384kbs) after tweaking. If you're shooting at least 90% of your cap then all is well. Sometimes no tweaking is needed to get acceptable speeds, it really just depends on your computer. If you do a download test and your getting below 4.5Mbs then some tweaking will probably do some help.
  13. Generally the less people around you, the better. When you have cable internet its shared amongst your neighbors. Therefore if all of your neighbors are downloading a large file then it is possible for the whole network to get a little bogged down. Just because you live out in the country shouldn't mean your Road Runner will be any slower than anybody elses. As for tweaking I believe FallowEarth covered that nicely. Best Wishes
  14. Sounds like Comcast is copying Time Warner a bit...
  15. I'm not much of a cell phone expert, but I would recommend trying to call up your cellular provider and ask them for help. If they aren't able to help you get it working, there should be some sort of warranty and you can return it. Sorry I can't be of much help...
  16. I seem to be stuck at 7.3Mbs, but Road Runner Premium is 8Mbs. So I was hoping to get a little more out of it, is that asking for too much or should I be able to get more?
  17. I just got Road Runner Premium and need the new cable nut file, does anyone have it? I believe it should be 8000/512. Thanks
  18. What part of Italy are you located in, I lived in Milan for a year. Unfortunately Fast Web wasnt available in my area yet so I had to get Alice Adsl, it was only 800kbs
  19. Well if you want more speed then your gonna have to upgrade your rr package.
  20. If you dont feel like paying the price of the normal road runner package, then maybe sbc dsl would be a good choice for you. Its got decent speed and is fairly cheap...
  21. Hmm Ive never heard of road runner lite, most people who subscribe to rr get 5/384. Where are you located? If you want more speed you should call up Time Warner and ask if they have a faster package.
  22. What are you paying for "rr lite" and what are your speeds supposed to be?
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