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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Yes, good price good reviews good features (Dual layer dvd is nice). If I was in need of a dvd burner I would buy that one before they run out.
  2. Basically Ultra Ata's speed is 133 and SATA is 150, there is also SATA II which is 300. If you want the extra speed go SATA.
  3. I hate all the stuff that they have installed when you first buy a computer, a lot of times its full of spyware and other crap.
  4. Your laptop could be running slower because you've been installing programs over these last 6 months so its bogging you laptop down. I would start with going to start,run,type msconfig, then uncheck anything that you dont need. If it looks pretty clean and you dont have to uncheck much then you should make sure your clean of viruses and spyware. If your laptop doesn't seem to run any faster then I would consider formatting. It just depends if you have time to reinstall windows, cause if you don't then you might have to live with a slower laptop for awhile.
  5. What are the specs of you laptop and do you have a lot of processes starting when you start up? Having 4-5 svchost processes running is normal and I'm not sure how you decrease the amount of them.
  6. Enjoy netlimiter its really fun to play around with.
  7. Yea, you gotta check the little box next to 64k. (to the left of the 64 k)
  8. I think so, because you dl and ul should be around 128 and 64 then.
  9. I would recomend you install a program called Netlimiter on his computer, google it and see if it looks good to you. I've attached the file that you need to register it.
  10. So you want to install a program on his computer to limit bandwidth usage?
  11. Does disabling Ultra Peer Capabilities make you safer in Limewire?
  12. This might interest you: U93-4901 :: US Modular 512MB PC3200 DDR 400MHz Memory (0.5 lbs)
  13. Well thats gonna eat up some of your 400 dollars, I'll look around and see if I can find some stuff that you could make a good computer out of.
  14. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1190222&sku=MBM-P4VTE-340 this is a great deal. Do you have any monitors, keyboards, or mice that you can use with your computer or do you have to buy those too?
  15. For around 100 bucks you can get a nice cpu motherboard combo with a processor ovber 1.4 ghz.
  16. If you want a budget pc I would recommend a Celeron or a Sempron.
  17. Those are computer manufacturers, Intel and AMD make processors for the computers.
  18. OK so you want it to be functional and able to play games on. Are there any CPU's you like, Intel or AMD?
  19. So you want to learn about computers by building them, and its gotta be under 400 dollars. What will this be used for, or is a 500MHz CPU alright because you are just playing around with it? You could build a budget PC for under 400 dollars that can easily handle web browsing, word processing, and light gaming like Warcraft. Is this the kinda computer you want to build?
  20. I found a news article today thats pretty interesting, check it out. I like this: "Fresh from negotiating the recent acquisition of systems from Adelphia Communications, Marcus could play a key role if Time Warner were to finally make a run at Cablevision (CVC ) or possibly at systems owned by Paul Allen's Charter Communications (CHTR )."
  21. I've got Vonage whooohoo!
  22. You have to extract the iso from the rar file and burn the iso file to a dvd. Do not extract the iso file.
  23. You open up the cue file with a program like Nero, the cue tells the program what to burn.(the stuff in the bin file) Then you put your blank dvd-r in your burner and click burn, you might have to select dvd instead of cd.
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