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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. To be honest with you whenever your burning a video file to a dvd the program you are using needs to encode, the problem is this takes time. Depending on the speed of your computer it could take more or less time, but it will always take a bit of time. As of yet I still haven't found a program that encodes the files too fast for you, sry.
  2. So you want to burn stuff to a dvd or vcd?
  3. Yea, just split your neighbors cable line haha jk .
  4. How much cable do you need?
  5. Any type of Cat 5 will work for you.
  6. Any modem they give you should do the job fine, so its hard to say if one modem is better than another one.
  7. http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=internetNews&storyID=2005-07-20T102351Z_01_MCC037426_RTRIDST_0_OUKIN-TECH-BROADBAND-TELESTE.XML
  8. Well if its got 4 ports that should be more than enough if you just want to hook up your computer and ps2.
  9. Im sure 100 feet would be a good amount and for only 7.59 plus shipping thats pretty cheap http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812117708. P.S.: Newegg rocks!
  10. Correct, all you need is a long ethernet cable because even wireless routers have lan ports so you can hooked up things with ethernet cables.
  11. Avast has a built in P2P shield, http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_professional.html#20.
  12. Is there a local Best Buy or Comp USA around? Cause you can go there to pick one up, or you can try and get a good deal online.
  13. Wired is your best solution, its not that hard or expensive to run a cable up to your ps2 or to your computer...
  14. Avast doesnt have a pop up blocker but as far as antivirus I think its better than AVG.
  15. I used to use Avg and its a decent product, a nice change from Norton.
  16. I think thats what he means, cause its a modem + wireless + router which is basically that product.
  17. Thats cool, I think I've seen those at Best Buy before.
  18. Yea IE and Norton are pretty similar in the way they are criticized. Both being the most used product, it obvious opens them up to more attacks. So of course there will be more security problems, or some kind of other bug with them.
  19. You can save a lot of money if you go with B, but G would be better. That doesn't mean that that one isnt any good, it just means you could get a better one if you went with G but do you want to spend 84 bucks?
  20. For 43.99 this is a good deal if you decide to go the wireless route http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0000AJVBW/ref%3Dpd%5Fsl%5Faw%5Falx-jeb-9-1%5Fce%5F4550941%5F2/103-6371274-1299016. Read a few of the reviews and you might get the info you're looking for.
  21. IMO Norton isnt that horrible of a product, but I still dislike it. Being one of the most popular AVS softwares it makes it the most vulnerable to hackers who create viruses. I believe that they are thinking, "Well If I want this virus to infect the most computers I'll have it target the most popular software." Personally I think there are much better alternatives to Norton on the market these days, I love Avast Anti Virus.
  22. Netmasta is correct, cable tv will rarely go out, but even if the cable is working its very possible for the internet not to work. Overall though RR outages are pretty rare for me, unless its something I did .
  23. Wireless may not be as reliable as an ethernet connection but most of the time it should work ok. If they arent included the wireless adapter for the down stairs pc then I would just buy some ethernet cable and run it from the router to the computer. Of course only if it would be cheaper than buying an adapter.
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