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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I hear spraying some Pam oil on it helps the snow and ice slide off and keep it clear so you can keep your signal. What funny is when I was having trouble with my directv and it was snowing thats what the tech on the phone told me to do.
  2. I assume we are allowed to mention torrent sites, so here they are: http://torrentspy.com/ http://isohunt.com/ http://www.mininova.org/ http://www.mybittorrent.com/ (any mod feel free to delete if it against site rules)
  3. Oh, so you only can download as fast as that person can upload?
  4. (202) 324-3000
  5. Allright, for now I guess I'll just keep using bittorrent until I find something better for albums.
  6. Maybe this has happened before... http://www.bigbruin.com/forum/about7861.html&highlight=govt . Could be a hoax though, just a hacker spoofing that ip address.
  7. Unfortunately I don't know of a program like peer guardian for linux, sorry.
  8. So what operating system are you running?
  9. Thanks, but when you are downloading your music how are your speeds. Most of my downloads have been pretty slow. Do I need to connect to fast severs, or is it just luck if you get a fast download?
  10. I just started using soul seek today and so far I like it. From what I've read it has no spyware or adware. So my question isn't is it safe as far as bundled files in the installation, it's how safe is it like sharing files. Have there been any lawsuits of users targeted individually, or is your identity anonymous when you use soul seek. I'm just looking for some more information on this because I'm wondering if it's safe for me to share files.
  11. You only have to start one topic if you want to post your scores.
  12. Get yourself Peer Guardian, it should block most ip's that you don't want connecting to your computer. http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/
  13. Building is the only way to go if you even think about overclocking.
  14. Pretty nice download.
  15. I just formatted so I'm looking for the 8/512 cablenut file, does anyone have it or know where to find it?
  16. I used to use dragon naturally speaking.
  17. I tried ares but I like limewire a lot more for a gnutella client.
  18. I've got water cooling so temps aren't too important.
  19. If I go with a socket 939 processor would this be a good board to overclock with http://www.biostar.com.tw/t-series/products/socket%20939/tforce6100-939/product_details.php? Its only 75 dollars at newegg so its not too expensive.
  20. Heres what I got on the cpu arithmetic benchmark
  21. Alright I'll run some tests.
  22. Hollywood, have you had any luck with your bittorrents or are they still going slow? If they are you might want to run an antivirus or antispyware check because if you have installed bearshare then you are going to have some files on your computer that you don't want. http://www.trendmicro.com/spyware-scan/ http://housecall.trendmicro.com/
  23. With all the processors suggested so far, they seem to be mostly single core. Will I even see a difference If I go with a 64 opetron or mobile 64 vs my Pentium 4 3ghz right now? Because if these processors aren't going to perform better than my Pentium 4 then I'll stick with it and maybe get a new water cooling system.
  24. I also use isohunt.com
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