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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Save 50 bucks and you could get a psp, then you could play games too.
  2. Pretty sad, sounds like a father and son in a car were injured.
  3. Omg that would be sweet, can you verify that at all? Did a SBC rep tell you that?
  4. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to give you everything they have. A provider like the verizon the best you can get is 30/5. Fiber can handle more than this and in the future speeds will get faster.
  5. Yea, I just realized pitbull posted a picture showing that.
  6. The light was actually green earlier.
  7. Yep, ipods work with windows, just download itunes and your all set.
  8. One person was hurt, either the plan struck the vehicle or vice versa and they were seriously injured.
  9. I'm watching that on cnn right now 98 passengers I think
  10. Another way to check is to right click on the file, properties, summary, and look at the video compression.
  11. Does the filename say what it is, like the name.avi or .rm, .wma?
  12. I keep seeing all these banners for usenet sites, does anyone use them, or like them. What are they good for and whats the best deal? Most sites I've found charge a monthly subscription for a certain amount of bandwidth. Any info is appreciated.
  13. I guess you'll just have to play around with it. Try disabling your firwall and see what Nat you get, maybe make a new exception for it, giving it complete access. Other than that I don't see any documentation about using kerio and xbox 360, and since I don't have either I can't tell you exactly how to fix it,
  14. I'll look around for a solution, but for now try pinging your xbox to make sure your computer is detecting it right.
  15. Also, what firewall are you using or do you have a dedicated computer like smooth wall?
  16. huh? so you have at least 2 ethernet ports, one to the modem and one to the xbox?
  17. What type of router are you using?
  18. Thats good,shows that they are working on it, keeping it maintained.
  19. is newnova like a clone of the old suprnova?
  20. I called them up and found out I can get the basic local for 12.75.
  21. I've got sbc, but when I try to check their local packages they want me to place an order and go through all of this crap, credit verification, address, billing address...
  22. what does a basic local package ususally run?
  23. Is it possible to get high speed dsl without having phone service from your local provider? I currently have vonage and don't want to have to switch because its such a great deal. I'm looking for a dsl connection with more upload than what I currently have 8000/512, I pay 72.95 a month for this so I'm looking for something equal to this or cheaper. Can I pay for a phone line with no phone service cheaply? Any information is appreciated.
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