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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. 1 usd = 0.565103 gbd
  2. Yea, I can't imagine filling up over 2 terabytes worth of hardrives.
  3. 100 bucks a month is a pretty good deal.
  4. What are you paying speakeasy a month? What connection do you get? Is it business, and thats why you get the free server?
  5. The PSX has 5 processors running concurrently, similar to the Atari Jaguar. Then main processor is the powerful LSI R3000A 32 bit RISC processor (licensed from SGI), running at 33.8 Mhz. In addition to it, there is a 66 MIPS High-speed Matrix Processor for calculating 3D polygons, there is a graphics processor for displaying sprites (2D) at 60 frames a second, a sound processor for doing CD quality sound and a 80 MIPS Data Expansion Engine for decompressing graphics and sound data from the CD-ROM. All of that sounds like pretty old technology to me, so that just reaffirms my belief that the psx is now the ps3 or is undergoing some big changes.
  6. Wow, thats awesome that its free and you get really nice speeds.
  7. What's the advertised speed of the conneciton your hosting with?
  8. Heres what I got:
  9. Wow, I was looking at some of his designs and they are pretty sweet. Anyways, to get more visitors to his website he should submit it in some search engines.
  10. So what exactly is the site, can you briefly describe it?
  11. He could put google ads on his site, so he could earn some revenue and his site would show up on other relevant sites.
  12. Unless your dying to play it , I would sell it on ebay. Its pretty easy to figure out heres a tutorial that should guide you along the process if you choose to do so. http://www.zoicks.com/beginner.htm
  13. No problem
  14. Get on the pc and go to printer and faxes under the control panel. Right click it, sharing, and then click share this printer and enter a name. Then follow these steps on the laptop go to control panel, printers, add printer, network printer, browse for, click on your printer and install the printer.
  15. Your gonna need to hook up the printer to the downstairs pc and share the printer. Like right click, properties, sharing... Then on the laptop go to control panel, printers, add printer, network printer, browse for, click on your printer and install the printer. Note:To print from your laptop both the printer and pc will have to be on, and the computer will at least have to be to the xp login screen.
  16. Yep, enjoy.
  17. Yea, and make sure dchp is disabled on the second router.
  18. Try to connect it to one of the lan ports instead of the wan. So router 1 lan to router 2 lan.
  19. Is one of them wireless and one wired. Because then I think you could have the wired function as the dchp router and the wireless on as an acess point.
  20. You can only have one use dchp, dchp is what assigns the ip addresses to your network. (192.168...)
  21. Yea I guess so
  22. Well, I scanned it again and got 2 more percent up. http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2478589
  23. Before I reformatted, I played call of duty 2, brothers in arms eib, and battlefield 2. They all ran well, they looked nice enough that I didn't adjust any settings, so I couldn't tell you if the 6000gt can run it at high
  24. What wireless print server did you buy?
  25. Allright I got it working, http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2478537 .
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