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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I change the optimize setting for my lan from cpu to thourouput and that lets me hit 9-9.1 so I'm getting somewhere.
  2. You could mail me one aswell por favor.
  3. Hmm I'm still stuck at 8.8, maybe thats the best I can get.
  4. Never mind I searched lan buffer size I found this https://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1607. I follow that guide and see if I can get some better results. Would I do this just on the server or all the computers?
  5. Where would I find the buffer size?
  6. I've had stuff like this happen before when building computers where you cant get any video. Recheck your video card is in correctly, make sure the cable from your video card to monitor is snug. Try restarting it a couple of times, usually for me it's just a fluke and once I getting it work it's completely stable. You could have some static electricity so if you can discharge it somehow that might help. So my advice is to tinker with it for awhile and see if by chance you can get it to boot up.
  7. I just setup a new file server (windows 2000 server) for hosting and to backup files on my network. When I'm transferring something from my wired computer to the server I consistently get speeds of 8.8mbps. I've got a 100Mbps network so theoretically I should be able to transfer at about 12. Is 8.8 the best I'm going to get, or can I tweak it and squeeze a little more out?
  8. I get very fast speeds on both public and private trackers, you just gotta experiment until you find a good tracker that you like, one which gives you good speeds and has files you want.
  9. A static ip for what? Your internet connection, whos your isp?
  10. If you're having touble tell my your router model and I'll try to walk you through it.
  11. I've become very fond of bitlord and rufus torrent. Back on topic, have you got the portforwarding working yet rainmaka?
  12. Thanks, I'll have to remember that site when I format my pc. (I'm getting some new hardrives )
  13. This might help you: Is the terrain open between you two? If it is, this is done easily. Get an access point with external antenna connector ( http://www.netgear.com/products/details/WG102.php ) and a directional external antenna like this (http://www.netgear.com/products/details/ANT24D18.php). 2 miles is easy. I do this now with an omni-directional antenna, and it works fine at 10 miles. All depends on the terrain. Cost a few hundred bucks. Check out outdoor wifi on Ebay. You can read the rest of the topic here http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5071.0. Don't forget you can search the forum for a similar topic before you post something asking the same thing. Best wishes with your wifi.
  14. Azureus is the best as far as features but requires a pretty good computer if you want it to run well. If you just want good speeds utorrent is good, light on resources as well.
  15. Go to this site, choose your router and it will help your configure port forwarding for bittorent. http://www.portforward.com/default.htm
  16. Last resort would be to call the motherboard manufacturer and see if you can understand anything from the foreigner.
  17. Do you have a router?
  18. Have you done your port forwarding for bittorret, that can really help your speeds.
  19. Yep, that burns dvd-r and dvd-rw ( rw meaning rewritable). I'll take on of those burners if you have any extras
  20. Well after a 13 minute phone call a vonage tech was able to confirm that I am in one of their areas that is currently experiencing outages. She said the problem should be resolved by tomorrow morning, so if anyone else is having this problem it should be fixed by tomorrow .
  21. Are there any other vonage users having problems with their service today? I can't receive any calls, it just goes to a fast busy tone. This started happening at 9 am for me and I'm wondering if anybody else is having these problems.
  22. Funny you should ask, http://www.mailnation.net/ offers 1000gigs for free so yes, they have terra mail.
  23. Peer to mail works for a few different email services. http://www.peer2mail.com/
  24. Thats unfortunate
  25. Well with avi to dvd conersion software the big limiter is your processor. So having a 700mhz cpu is really going to slow you down no matter what software you use. I always liked Cucusoft's conversion program, http://www.avi-vcd.com/download.asp.
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