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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Do you know what equipment you have? Also try this website copy the number and past into the second website. http://www.ipchicken.com/ http://www.arin.net/whois/
  2. You want to try and get 90 percent of your advertised speeds not host average.
  3. You should be getting more than that. Try these things again and see what you get http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2097.0. You should be able to hit at least 4500 down and like 340 up.
  4. So you've used cablenut? Do an upload and download test and post the results.
  5. Do you have the basic package and have you done any tweaking?
  6. I'd upgrade the firmware. For better signal you can try adjusting the placement of the router, or adjust the antenna on it. Having only 85 or 87 percent isnt that bad and you will still get decent speeds.
  7. That one has a good price, has good reviews and has good speeds so I'd get it.
  8. I had a 160 gig die on me the other day which sucks.
  9. Thats a sweet setup but I'd recommend a bigger hardrive. 80 gigs isn't that much anymore, you should know that since you have like 70 gigs of music .
  10. So it checks the hardrive for errors and then finds the error you posted which again points to errors in the hardrive. It might just be getting old, maybe it has bad sectors, whatever it is if you have any files on it back them up and then you might have to buy a new hardrive if you dont have a warranty on it anymore.
  11. Anyone know when that was last updated?
  12. Whats your motherboard and are you sure its in the agp slot?
  13. Those error codes usually refer to the hardrive in an ibm, so sounds like you have a bad hardrive. Is the drive making any noises, clicking, anything unusual?
  14. Your router might be blocking you from connecting.
  15. Here is how it works: To support FightAIDS@Home, you simply download a free software program from World Community Grid that runs "in the background" on your computer. This is called the FightAIDS@Home client, and it processes information (in this case using the drug design software AutoDock) and evaluates prospective candidates for drug discovery. The FightAIDS@Home client uses idle processor cycles that would otherwise go to waste. FightAIDS@Home captures the otherwise wasted cycles of your computer and applies them to model the evolution of drug resistance and to design drugs necessary to fight AIDS. When your computer has finished a FightAIDS@Home computation, the FightAIDS@Home results are packed up and sent back to The Scripps Research Institute, ready for Scripps researchers to collect and analyze them. Then when you are using your computer and it needs cycles, FightAIDS@Home instantly and automatically turns those resources back over to the program you are using.
  16. Well thats good, must've not been that big of a scratch.
  17. You could try and downgrade firmware.
  18. Did you forward the ports that youre using for dc++?
  19. The ip address of the computer that the hub is running on.
  20. You can see if you get better signal but if it seems like it didn't change, linksys may have made a fix for it in the newer firmwares, cause you're using the latest one right?
  21. You can think of it like a chatroom where users connect. The users can then chat and share files. If you setup portforwarding then I could try and connect to that hub. You might want to use something like no ip so you dont have to give out your actual ip.
  22. Good luck, it shouldn't be too tough if you follow the guide. Hopefully you'll get better signal strength for your wireless devices.
  23. If anyone is interested in hosting with ynhub this is a really nice guide if you're struggling setting it up. http://ynhub.stabilt.se/
  24. I doubt it.
  25. I wouldnt doubt that putting on a third part firmware voids your warranty.
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