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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. You could host an ftp server. There are many free programs which will do that and it should maximize your connections. IIS http://www.webwizguide.com/asp/tutorials/installing_iis_winXP_pro.asp If you prefer a non windows approach I highly recommend netfile ftp and webserver. Theres a free version that allows you host your own ftp server and website. http://www.fastream.com/netfileserver.htm
  2. You could try this firmware it looks pretty cool http://www.dd-wrt.com/. If its compatible you can try some different wireless options and see if the performance is better.
  3. You could try and get some antenns for your router to increase the signal output. Pick some up at compusa and if you dont notice a better signal/speed then return them. http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=316832&pfp=BROWSE If the antennas dont do the trick then you could get a new wifi card. This would be great, http://store.yahoo.com/justdeals/nl3054cbplus.html, 200mW means long range line of site for these can be up to 4200-4300 feet.
  4. Do you have a linksys card as well?
  5. Found it but I couldn't find any trial versions http://www.lavalys.com/.
  6. Trades Have you made any decisions on what your going to buy for your wireless problem? If you have anymore questions ask away.
  7. I have a feeling its the hardrive and since I'm upgrading my main pc's drive the server will be getting the old one which is much faster than the on currently in the server. Anyways its less than a 50 dollar experiment, if I don't see better speeds, or better load handling then I'll return the stuff.
  8. I did, and he recommended the senao and the 7dbi omnidirectional antenna so they must be good products cause he seems to know a lot.
  9. If I get a gigabit switch it will be so my server can accommodate multiple users at their full bandwidth at the same time. If I had just 100 on the server 2 users would have to split that, not so if the server had 1000.
  10. Are laptop speeds a lot slower than your wired computers?
  11. Are you gonna use some senao cards? I think I'm gonna get one of the 200mW and a 7dbi antenna for my laptop.
  12. That sucks, you could try some of these others though http://www.wrt54g.net/pages.php?p=firmware.
  13. It will give you more options that, yes, will allow you to increase your performance.
  14. You finally got that up, how does it work? What are you using and what kind of speeds can you achieve?
  15. Heres where you can download some of those 3rd party firmwares http://www.wrt54g.net/pages.php?p=firmware. This is the hyperwrt homepage if you are interested in that firmware http://www.hyperwrt.org/ .
  16. Ok so if the server was on a 1000 switch, it could serve 2 100Mbps wired clients and one 54g wireless simultaneously? Thats only 254 and since it would be on gigabit it could handle that right? The limiting thing now becomes the hardrive and cpu not the connection.
  17. Funny how times change, technology advances, and prices drop.
  18. Is that a real score, or do you have the cached package from rr ?
  19. Yea, Ive got an old motherboard with integrated lan and none of those buffer options are present, and 100 works better versus 10. But hey thats why I put it in a server instead of letting it collect dust
  20. Do you know waht kind you're getting?
  21. Maybe my servers cpu is too slow, so I guess its not worth investing in a gigbit network.
  22. Thats still pretty fast, because I just transfered a 2 gig file in 4 minutes which is sweet, I can only imagine having an actual internet connection that fast.
  23. Good idea I'll try that and post results. Hmm the 100 full duplex brought me back down to 8.8-9.0, so no real change.
  24. So this is at your job? Then you should probably call up earthlink directly and tell them your having problems cause somethings wrong with upload speeds like that.
  25. Well technically I'm not getting 90% of my "advertised speed". I can hit up to 9.1 but 90% would be 10.98ish.
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