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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Yea it will void it.
  2. No thats the actual program, there are lots of programs which can be the server though. One of the more popular ones is ynhub http://www.dcdev.net/YnHub/.
  3. Lol sorry, forgot about that here it is.
  4. If you haven't given up yet this is probably what you have been looking for, remember this was written in 2003 so the link to the firmware is old. Try to follow the guide and if you cant find something or it doesn't work, maybe you can use that 2003 firmware. 10-08-2003, 01:30 AM DISCLAIMER: If you toast your router, cry to someone who cares. This hack is to be used at your own will, and I take no responsibility for you smoking your $112 802.11G WAP. Short-media also takes no responsibility. REMEMBER THAT THIS WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY. I repeat this clearly: -You're doing this on your own accord -I am not responsible for damages -Short-Media is not responsible for damages -Your warranty will be voided PREREQUISITES: The newest 9/9/03 firmware (http://www.linksys.com/download/firmware.asp?fwid=187), WRT54G by Linksys. PRELIMINARY INFO: The WRT54G runs Linux kernel 2.4.5 on a 125MHz MIPS processor with 16mb RAM. Approximate 9MB free if you would ever wish to execute your own code. If you want to know how to do that, let me know. THINGS TO REMEMBER: This hack must be applied again if you (A) Turn your router off and back on ( Soft-reset the router © Factory reset the router. The command functions like a linux command on a temporary file, reboot and it's gone. Log into the router through your browser and proceed to the ping test window by going to administration -> Diagnostics. Click the ping test. Follow the picture below. Where it says "TXPWR 84" change the value to 48. Eighty-four is too high a mW rating without additional cooling, and this value provides unstable signals. The Linksys WRT54G comes with 19mW signal, which is complete crap. Due to FCC regulations, Linksys can't ship it with a signal strength much higher than this. They can't stop you though! `/usr/sbin/wl -i eth2 txpwr 48` is the string to be placed in the WRT54G ping test interface. Place it in, and hit ping. Your signal strength is now double, and you have successfully overclocked your router. Also, go to the advanced section on your WRT54G and enable "Frame burst." This is what netgear and several other 54G providers are calling turbo mode. Best wishes and happy holidays!
  5. You can get dc++ here http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=40287&package_id=70036.
  6. Anybody up for hosting a hub? All you need is 128 up .
  7. Winmx is dying technology, if not already dead. Its time to move on to something else or to start acquiring music and software legally .
  8. Sorry I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Do you want the links for the dc++ program, or the hosting software, or do you want to know how to download with dc++?
  9. I wish I had two connections, cause most of the time I'm using my upload for something else cause I run a server so hosting a dc++ might be too much and would prolly just slow everything down. Whats your upload speed?
  10. What happened to that dc++ hub? A few different users here were hosting a hub at one time but they now all seem to be down. Does anybody else want to volunteer to run a hub on their computer, just someone with at least dsl or cable who can run their computer pretty much all the time.
  11. Too bad microsoft just bought it , I'll give it a shot anyway.
  12. It shouldn't be that big of an issue if its just a scratch. Maybe you could post a picture so we can see how big the scratch is.
  13. Haha I just saw that beer commercial. A lot of time with lites.
  14. To get his computer in english hes gonna have to reinstall windows with an english disk. Try unplugging the router, and if their is a reset switch in back press that, you might need a paper clip.
  15. Could just be that its getting old. Overtime laptop batteries loose their ability to charge and their capacities decrease.
  16. It might just be reading it wrong, see how long it lasts at 0 percent, recharge it fully and repeat experiment to see how long it lasts before the laptop turns off.
  17. You shouldn't need any drivers for the battery. Are you saying the meter show 0 percent yet you've been running for 10 minutes. The meters are never perfect and might say 0 while there is still some battery left to give you a chance to save/plug in. Try charging it fully and see how long it lasts and if the reading seems accurate. You're not annoying, you just need a lot of help, but at least you ask questions .
  18. Control panel, Regional and Language options About the router try releasing and renewing the ip start, run, cmd, ipconfig /release, ipconfig /renew Start with that and see where it gets you
  19. I know, I just couldn't resist cause as soon as you posted that I remembered the advertising comment he made.
  20. If you want to try something with aim before trying a new program, try the attached file. It will make aim have no delay will sending the file, like how it sometimes stops and waits a second. Put 0 seconds for the delay and see if the files transfer faster, if not try a ftp or some p2p app.
  21. What did RTB say about advertising! Just kidding
  22. I'm so jealous of that, and I'll never be able to get fios cause I'm in sbc territory.
  23. By 50 do you mean 409.6 or actually 50?
  24. Whats your upload speed and how fast can you transfer on aim?
  25. http://www.wi-fi.org/OpenSection/secure.asp?TID=2 That site will explain all of those encryption methods. As for the best its hard to say, it really depends on your personal needs and how much security you think you need. In general the best would be wpa enterprise heres a quote "Based on the ratified IEEE 802.11i standard, WPA2 provides government grade security by implementing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS 140-2 compliant AES encryption algorithm."
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