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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I havent heard about any upgrades, is yours seeming faster, or did you hear from someone that an upgrade was coming?
  2. http://www.lvllord.de/?url=downloads&lang=en&PHPSESSID=8d46ae39ba42d0661bf0d3f5d1650c06
  3. Sounds like you guys know a bit more about overclocking then I do so I'd like to ask a question. How are the mobile athlon 64's for overlocking, they are laptop processors but if you have a socket 939 I hear you can use them in a desktop. What do you think about this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103490 the amd mobile athlon 64 3700 (2.4ghz) after doing some research I've found that the multiplier is unlocked, would that be good for overlocking? Thanks in advance if anyone knows this.
  4. If you use an all in one protection suite like fsecure internet security spam filtering tools are usually included, if you don't use something like this you might want to look into it. These all in ones can do many tasks, antivirus, antispam, antispyware, firewall, pop up blocking...
  5. I've got the msi nvidia geforce 6600gt pci express 16x
  6. What do you mean by that, are the amd processor's mentioned a lot better than the intel ones mentioned? (better value, performance...?)
  7. What is your advertised speed?
  8. Time Warner is really falling behind in terms of speed, but with no fios competition in my area they continue to keep prices high and speeds low. All I can do is wait for Sbc Lightspeed and pray that it comes soon.
  9. Thanks I'll check those out
  10. Does anyone know how the mobile athlon 64 overclocks or had any experience if, or knows if it definately works in desktops?
  11. I see, so If I'm running bf2 with a plain 64 vs a dual core 64 there wont be to much difference in performance, but if I'm running more applications or 2 games, then dual core would do better?
  12. Depending on what processor I select I will also purchase a new motherboard. (Right now I have socket 478)
  13. Hello all, I'm looking into building another computer because some of my components are getting outdated. Right now I have a Pentium 4 3ghz, 1 gig ram, 2 Samsung 160gb, Kingwin Watercooling Kit. After broswing newegg for awhile I found the following processors that I liked, the x2 3800 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103562, and mobile athlon 64 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103490. I understand that the dual core seems a lot more powerful, but I really like the fact that the mobile athlon has an unlocked multiplier. As I see it, this certainly has more potential for overclocking. Because I'm looking into doing some overclocking I'm going to get some ram thats good for overclocking and possibly a new water cooling system. Just wanted some feedback on the CPUs I found and if anyone has suggestions for anything else, like an Intel that would perform like the 2 I selected for a similar price. Thanks a lot.
  14. Yea, you might want to try loading the optimal defaults in your bios.
  15. yep, prolly fixed it already
  16. If jiggling your components doesn't help then I'd recomend flashing your bios.
  17. Maybe they have a firmware update that fixes this issue, have you tried updating?
  18. You're wrong about the bandwidth monitoring and the cs server cause a cs server only takes up about 6 Kbs per player so of course basic rr could handle it.
  19. I'm pretty sure he's got the basic RR package.
  20. TraNsEdgE 01, RR has no caps and never has monitored bandwidth. Get your facts straight before you start whining to people who have better connections than you.
  21. Any news on Time Warner, are they gonna to start making the same upgrades for "loyal customers"?
  22. If you only need to save a few bucks earthlink is the same as RR just resold at a disconted price. But if you want something a lot cheaper than dsl is probably the way to go.
  23. Check out smooth wall. (http://www.smoothwall.org/)
  24. Come on Time Warner!
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