60C is pretty hot for a pentium 4, my p4 3ghz runs at 40 idle and 50 load which is kinda hot but not too bad. My opteron runs at 30 idle and 40 load which is decent, so your pentium can run at 60 but its going to shorten its lifespan so maybe you should look into an aftermarket cooler if you're still using stock.
Well my current antivirus just expired so I'm looking to buy something new for 2 computers. If I buy one license for an internet security bundle can I use it on both of my computers or must I purchase 2 licenses? What do you guys recommend for best protection and best price?
Thanks for all your help, Im gonna run p95 while I sleep and hopefully wont get any erorrs. I've got it at 1.5 volts, 260x11, 2.86ghz will be sweet hopefully its pretty stable.
I think im good for now, just upping the fsb and priming for a little bit each time to find the max. Right now im stable at 240x11 2.64 and under load with all fans on low it never goes above 40.
Edit : Same thing for 250
Well 255 gets an error right away. Time to up the voltage a bit?
Yea thats the last time im ever using one of the auto overclock programs, lol for some reason it had the vcore up to 1.6.
I've got it at 215x11 at 40c with no errors. Now should I raise the ram timmings real high and try to up the cpu fsb more. What about the hammer fid control and ht frequency?
Crap, I figured I would try to use the motherboards built in overclocking system to see what kind of results I could get and now I can't get into windows.
Edit:Well I turned the pc off for awhile and tried it again now I can get to where you select os's but then I just see small blue rectangle, wtf.
Hmm when I dont have it on stock I fail p95 almost immediately. Well I guess I can tinker around with some settings tommorow, im pretty sure its my ram though, I gotta save up and get some good tccd.
What are those programs that like stress out your hardware to test if an overclock will be stable I can think of them right now? I've got my opteron at 11x250 with ease and want to see if it will be stable. I'm totally loving my cooling system too I'm booted into windows and its idling at a chilly 30c.
You'll definately be able to get the 3500 to 3700 speeds so you saved some money there the video card is also a nice choice. Id say if you get a good stepping you should be able to hit at least 2.5 with proper cooling. I don't know if that is the best ram for overlocking, but if you have to you can always use some dividers.
Are you using anything to discharge your static? If not, I would recomend this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16899888207, I try to use it all the time and the one time I was working on an old pc for a server without it I ended up frying the ram.
Ok Ive got it open now, and have it sharing my folder. How do I configure the users, when I try to browse to the server on another computer on the network I need to login.
I brought my laptop there and once I was in range it let me connect and I could use the network, same with my psp, so whatever they use isnt that great.