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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. So will Ibm start selling processors like amd and intel do, or will they just be avilable for companies?
  2. Squeaky wheel gets the grease!
  3. I think im going with panda, I found it on ebay for like 10 bucks for 1 year of the 2006 antivirus and firewall.
  4. Mcafee is scanning the test file you download which determines how fast your connection this slows down how fast the file can be loaded causing you results to be slower than with mcafee disabling and not scanning the file.
  5. So there are no other options out that for isps? Somebody has to have some dsl, or dare I say it you could get satelite, maybe you should just get dial up save a load of money be happy with a dialup provider. That sucks that they have you locked into contracts, but if mine were ending soon I'd look for a different option before signing up again.
  6. Try limiting the upload to like 40 and see if the download doesnt speed up.
  7. Yes both are great but neither off a firewall solution too and now that my favorite sygate is in the hands of symantec it will be going down the drain so i want some imput on a good all in one internet security product to get for a few computers.
  8. Im kinda looking for something other than mcafee or norton, I never have been fans of those products, but thanks for the suggestions.
  9. What is your advertised upload because if it is going at full speed then yes your download will be slowed down becasue the upload is bogging it down.
  10. I'm sure a bunch of you watched the superbowl and caught some of the commercials, now its time to give your opinion on which one you liked the best. I really think Budweiser did a great job and I found myself laughing at most of their commercials, of course they did have one almost every break, must've been expensive. And if you missed it, check them all out here: http://video.google.com/superbowl.html
  11. I would be too scared to use a ps in my computer again that fried my video card and temporarily turned it into a smoke machine.
  12. Wow is that ever freaky, I dont use it anymore but I have an antec 480watt.
  13. My deepest condolences, sometimes no matter how careful you are it seems theres always something that can go wrong with your computer. I fried a whole mobo and 512mb of ram in one night in a freak accident. Anyways what type of power supply was it? proprietary? Makes me never want to leave on my computer when I sleep or leave the house again.
  14. Lol when you were using your neighbors road runner connection on accident .
  15. You and some neighbors should split the cost of a t1 or some kind of dedicated dsl, might be better than d-way because it would certainly be more reliable.
  16. Next step is to put a person in the car, might be kinda difficult though.
  17. Wow those are really expensive for a case.
  18. You're gonna want a fan controller if you start putting lots of fans in a case so you can control the noise.
  19. What are you paying a month for your tv and what channels and extras do you get?
  20. Yea ik and the most the calls arent going their way either.
  21. Could be somebody spoofing that ip to make it look like its the dod.
  22. richcornucopia


    newegg.com thats where I buy everything for my computers.
  23. richcornucopia


    You should look into a fan controller.
  24. Yea, I think it will be something like 21, 28 steelers or something pretty close like that. I don't expect a blowout of either team.
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