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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. 384 is just fine for gaming if you aren't going to be running a server.
  2. Maybe they haven't upgraded in your area so the lines can't support it.
  3. I dont know, have you verfied that it is indeed 6 and not 8? Also what does premium cost in your area?
  4. I think its pretty expensive but I subscribe to the premium because I want the extra upload. (72.95 a month 8/512) If you think you need, or just want more upload and download then try it out for a couple months because you don't have to sign a contract for rr.
  5. Yea you can get an adapter, can't remember what they are called though. How long did yours take to finish? Mine is at 3.49% 1 hour into it.
  6. Yea thats what I did except im using a floppy. Tell me how fast yours goes cause mine is only 2 percent done and its been 40 minutes i dont think its the program just my drive acting slow again.
  7. Lol thats a pretty nice animation, did you make it?
  8. Unless they recently changed it I don't believe so.
  9. I think you uploaded the wrong file. (its 0kb)
  10. Just to clarify limewire is 100% spyware free, but as with any p2p app be careful what you download with it.
  11. Is dban free? Maybe it could work for my drive.
  12. Yep I've pretty much given up, I'm just gonna order a new hardrive from newegg it's prolly time to upgrade to sataII anyway.
  13. Unfortunately I've tried that too.
  14. Nope, the bad drive is formatted.
  15. It wont boot if I put the hardrives on the same channel.
  16. Just checking, but did you make sure the ports you forwarded are the ones you entered in the client?
  17. geeks.com zipzoomfly.com frozencpu.com crazypc.com ecost.com compuplus.com always check ebay too because sometimes you can get a great deal.
  18. Tried them and it cant detect either of the drives.
  19. Is pio much slower than if dma was working because the drive seems super slow when moving files from the good to bad drive.
  20. Thanks for the suggestion but I've done all of that multiple times so I guess I should just declare the drive dead.
  21. Nope its a samsung 160 ide, it doesnt make any weird noises so i dont think its damaged. Im trying it on linux to see if it is a windows only problem.
  22. Does anybody have any ideas Im about ready to throw this damn hardrive out the window.
  23. Also, they are the exact same hardrive. I cannot get it to boot when they are on the same ide channel so I have to use a different one.
  24. Well I always thought my hardrive had started dying because it would transfer super slow, but now I have realized that it is actually in pio mode instead of dma 5 like the other drive. I've got it set to dma if available but it always goes to pio. What could the problem be?
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