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Everything posted by asubaseball727
Do the changes that are mentioned in the first section useful for firefox also?
Thanks richcornucopia
Enabling super prefetch in Windows XP SP2 One of the many claims Microsoft makes for Windows Vista is that it will launch applications 15% faster than Windows XP does currently. This is done through improvements in the Prefetch functionality. There's no need to wait until Vista arrives; this improvement is already in Windows XP thanks to Service Pack 2. It just needs to be turned on. To enable super prefetch: Use a registry editing tool to navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters Insert a value with the following details: EnableSuperfetch REG_DWORD 0x00000001 [Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect] I went to edit, new and there were 5 different types of values. Which value should I insert? P.S. Thanks so much Rom-Dos... This is the first time I saw your post and its awesome!
I actually did try this... and I normally do try, like last night how i completely took a shot in the dark and put another hard drive on my computer. I just think its good to take advice from those who have already been there and not re-invent the wheel.
OK thanks, thats just what i needed.
Maybe see if its connected right in the back of your tower, or if that doesnt work, you can always buy a new mouse on ebay for about 5$. Shipping might bump that up, but its not that big of a deal.
I think it should, I'll try tom. and see Thanks
I got the same thing.
Well on the dell specs page, it says that it takes ddram and sdram ... right?' Dimension_4600: Chipset: Intel 865PE. Has 4 memory sockets. Each socket has a maximum capacity of 1GB. Minimum system RAM is 128 MB. Maximum system RAM is 4GB. Uses DDR-SDRAM PC2100, PC2700, PC3200. Uses NON-ECC memory. System documentation located here.
I just took apart my old computer, and found 128 mb of SDRAM. I currently have 766 mb of ddram and was wondering if it would help or hurt my computer speed if i stuck it in the empty slot.
Ok great. I'll do that now. Thanks again.
Yeah, the old one.... So how would I go about formatting?
Ok, everything is up and running. Now I'm clearing up space on the hard drive and am wondering what I need to keep on it if anything. Thanks
Ok Its in! I just gotta install the new hardware, and get it in its right spot. Thanks a lot for the help amc
OK, I opened up the computer, I know where it needs to go and I have found the other cables that I need to hook up to the Hard Drive. If anyone can give me a brief overview of the cables I need to hook up it would be greatly appreciated. THanks
Thanks, I'm gonna go open up my PC downstairs and see if I can figure this one out.
Ok. I have the hard drive out, but with no cables connected at all. Should I find the power cable that was on the old computer, or does the new one have the power cable along with the one to hook up the slave drive? P.S. It's a seagate hard drive if it matters.
Ok, cool. I'll try that once I get it hooked up. First I need to uninstall it. Are the cables that I need to hook it up on the old computer or the new one? Also, do I just take it out, and keep the cords on the old hard drive and put it in the new one? Sorry for all of these "noobish" questions, I am a little confused, but willing to learn.
Cool! I started putting my movies on my PC, and I have seen my memory dropping rapidly. Do you know anywhere that would help me with this? (Website wise) Or if it is really easy, an idea of what I should be looking for. Also, would I be able to manage the files on it, and uninstall the OS and unnecessary files? Thanks for the quick responses.
I have a computer that is sitting around, and I was wondering if I could uninstall the hard drive and hook it up to my Dell that is in use now? The computer sitting around is an older HP. Thanks for the help.
Thanks a lot richcornucopia, I'm pretty sure that I got it stopped. I uninstalled it through the LAN, but through the administrative tools I was able to disable it at startup. Thanks!
ok thanks. How do you reccomend me fixing this if I'm on XP home edition?
I get to here, 3. Type gpedit.msc in the available field and click OK. But when I hit okay, windows tells me it cannot find 'gpedit.msc' and to check the spelling. Rom-Dos, My screen doesnt look like your screen shot either, There is no psched. Thanks guys
Under the E-mail they sent back, here is the info under update drivers ( I have my router updated ) Driver Updates Using the latest drivers for your hardware can often give your PC a very nice boost in performance. Check with your hardware vendor to make sure that you're using the latest drivers. Comcast has provided a list of common hardware vendor web sites for video cards, sound cards, hard drives and networking equipment. Video Cards: ATI: http://www.ati.com/support/ Nvidia: http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp Hard Drives: Maxtor: http://www.maxtor.com/portal/site/Maxtor/ Western Digital: http://support.wdc.com/ Sound Cards: Creative Labs: http://us.creative.com/support/ Networking Hardware: 3com: http://www.3com.com/products/en_US/downloadsindex.jsp Linksys: http://www.linksys.com/support/default.asp Netgear: http://kbserver.netgear.com/main.asp I'm not quite sure how updating my sound card and stuff will boost my internet speed, but I'll try it.
I sent a complaint to comcast and they reccomended updating my drivers. However, I'm not too sure on how to find out what drivers I have, much less update them. Thanks