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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. Can never have enough memory...get more sticks, and shrink that pagefile...Thats my motto....
  2. Another 512 of ram would help kick it up a notch too...
  3. http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm Has some really nice quick fixes for just about any problem you can think of...I've used many of them, and never had any problems.. As with anything, always make a backup prior...(system restore/registry backup).. But check it out...I'm sure someone can find some useful info there...
  4. If it was a chick, I'd bang it!
  5. Yup thats why I always back my important stuff onto a dvd/cd every 2 weeks...You never know...And nothing sucks more than losing all that crap you spend your time collecting...Especially if you are not on the fastest connection...
  6. That sucks...We had OOL techs here like 15 times over 6 months, and they couldn't fix the problem(cause it was an oversold node, and they wouldn't admit it)..So we dumped them asap when fios got here.. It was funny, at night when I ran a speed test at OOL, I would get the troubleshooting dialog box pop up, saying I had a problem with my connection(was like under 600Kbps), and tech support would say its fine...LOL...They so didn't care...I had nights my downloads were at 16kB/sec(from their test site..the test64
  7. Cheers to the creators of this site.. Very useful, and filled will knowledgeable members... Keep up the good work!
  8. I've also gotten that error from bad memory I believe...Somewhere the data is being corrupted..... Quick test to eliminate memory being the problem...If you have more than one chip, take one out, try to download.
  9. Post the following: 1- Test results - Upload/Download 2- Your advertised Speed 3- Connection Type(Cable/DSL/Etc.) Router/No Router, Nic Card/USB(If usb theres a problem right there) 4- Whether or not you have done any tweaking to your connection.
  10. Its the getting to nyc that adds 5ms to my ping..If i was a bit closer to manhatten, it would probably be better to the further sites...But it was OOL or Fios..(we had no dsl options)...And I had tons of problems with OOL....If you turned your cable modem off at night, it would take up to an hour to pull an ip(meaning no internet for an hour), and then when you did get an IP, you would get 2,000/600 when its supposed to be 10,000/1,000... I'm just happy to be rid of OOL...I really got sick of calling their so called "tech support"(I think they were just monkeys in cages).
  11. They may not impress you, but being way out on long island(not near the city) it used to take 20ms to sometimes 50ms(when node was crowded), just to get out of nyc from suffolk...Now its 4ms...Thats a HUGE improvement over my Optonline pings....its $6 more a month and all my pings on all the game servers I play on are 1/2 of what they were with cable, sometime lower if its a east coast server....It impresses me, so I guess that what matters..
  12. I don't expect anything, other than what I pay for... Subject said post your speed, and how much you pay for it.. So I did...
  13. Fios 30/5 - $55/month TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.4e click START to begin Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 5.02Mb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 29.93Mb/s Server unable to determine bottleneck link type. click START to re-test :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 25410 Kbps about 25.4 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 3102 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.bafserv.com Test Time::
  14. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 25410 Kbps about 25.4 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 3102 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.bafserv.com Test Time::
  15. http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2479266 Blah..need a new vid card..
  16. Check that troubleshooting link I posted, and follow it step by step....It will help point you in the right direction..
  17. lol thats one way to fix it..
  18. Sorry, your score of 842167 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps... (yes I am sorry too....lol) Yeah somethings not right lol...That is NOT a cached test...That is after cleaning out my temps, running cc cleaner, deleting my web history..and rebooting...I figured something wasn't right.. Sorry, your score of 5542001 Kbps is over TestMy.net's max of 60000 Kbps. I doubt your connection is faster than 60000 Kbps Thats a Cached Test...
  19. Voltageman


  20. Yea it definitely sounds like a power supply issue...And if its not bad, it never hurts to have a spare power supply hanging around... You might want to make sure the switch in the case isn't bad also...I had a bad switch in one of my cases, but I cant remember what exactly it did, but it was similiar to your situation...If you pulled the cord out and plugged it back in, it would flash on for a split second, then would do nothing....Normally you can jump the leads from the switch(but don't go doing that unless you verify you can with your board).. http://www.fonerbooks.com/power.htm
  21. I've had bad power supplies that will almost boot...(go all the way past bios, then crap out before windows loads).
  22. Just wondering? I'm assuming your on a cable modem...Have you also checked the signal for the modem? I know when I had OOL, if the signals dropped too low(or too high if you have a booster), it will have a negative effect on your speeds... Is your modem behind more than 1 splitter? Is the splitter old? A friend of mine has a bad spliiter that was causing him all sorts of trouble...He swapped it will a 2.4ghz splitter, and all his problems went away.. I can't remember what address you put in the browser to check signal strengths...What kind of modem is it?
  23. if you are behind a router, try putting your pc in the DMZ, and see how it works...If it works fine in the DMZ, your router is blocking it..
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