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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. I goto the mall around here and buy em used...They are in perfect condition yet 50% off..Got BF2 cheap..Gonna go get Madden 06 soon.. I only have Madden 05, Medal of Honor(and all expansions, except pacific assault), BF2(Special Forces expansion), and lol Age of Empires II(Conquerors)..Not III...I want to pick that up..The demo looks good. Oh Sim City 4, Rush Hour also, but that is just a blackhole of time lol..I get lost in that game for hours..I still don't know why..
  2. And if all else fails, you can put your PC in the DMZ of your router, which I have to do to play battlefield 2 without having my VOIP drop out..(my router won't allow enough ports to be forwarded in BF2..)...It will leave you open, so you must have a firewall running(you basically lose the real protection from the router).
  3. I'm gonna go warm up my Coleco Vision lol..Wake me up when that thing is released...
  4. http://www.smallbusinesscomputing.com/webmaster/article.php/3103431 Thats not always true..There are good/bad things about both..
  5. Vid card and memory will make a world of difference...
  6. http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/catalog/products/sku_list_za.jsp?dc=12bms&ctry=US&lang=en&lid=dbtopnav_zaav&AID=9754927&PID=1320436 Zone Alarm has a decent free one.. http://www.kerio.com/kpf_download.html Check out the Free Kerio one... http://www.agnitum.com/products/outpostfree/download.php Outpost Its somewhat a personal preference as to which one is better..I've used all different ones, and still not sure which I like best..
  7. Thats why I have a chevy...The parts are so cheap its not worth stealing them..LOL
  8. Yeah i have agp 8x now too...I'm saving up for the 6800 Ultra OC....still too expensive..
  9. [glow=red,2,300]http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm[/glow] Check out that site, and bookmark it.... Choose your router, and choose your game, and it will pretty much explain how to do it..
  10. Better change those house locks, since if it was stolen outside your house, they know where you live...Car keys suck to change..gotta redo doors/ignition..that sucks..
  11. I hear you...I do it all the time..Just been lucky no one wants my pickup lol..
  12. Yeah ...87-88 maybe..It was a sweeeet car back then...They took it from Hicksville, Long Island, and it wound up in Newark, NJ on blocks lol...
  13. http://www.testmy.net/forum/chat/flashchat.php LOL..Franks in the House!
  14. If your using a cable modem, check your signal levels, and make sure you don't have it behind too many splitters(really should be 1st thing off the main splitter)...If you can, bypass any splitters and plug modem in directly.. Motorola for ex. you go here... Plus if you have Digital Cable, you MUST have a digital spitter(2.4GHz)... Bad splitters with cable can KILL your connection...Best way to rule this out is make sure your signal levels are not too low..(or just bypass it for testing purposes)
  15. Yeah honda parts are like gold..You got lucky..Probably just a bunch of kids wanting a joy ride.... and depending on where you live, leaving the car running unattended for 15 minutes is like leaving a stuffed crack pipe out in front a crackhead and expecting him not to smoke it.. Glad you got it back though..(at least you didn't have to goto newark like my stepmother had to once and pick up what was left of her brand new RX-7..Going back a few years here..)
  16. My bad, lol should have looked harder..
  17. Spend the extra cash and get a 600 watt... Check this out, if you are planning to spend some money on your card/power supply...(if you're going pci express) Its a pretty good deal.... http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1726995&CatId=0 -- Two (2) XFX GeForce 7800 GT Overclocked 256MB DDR3 PCI Express Video Cards and an Ultra X-Finity 600 Watt Power Supply You get that, you don't have to worry about video for a few years..
  18. How about a live Java chat room?
  19. I have it for PC...I love it...Got the expansion pack too..Special Forces... I could use gunners for the Blackhawk, and one for the Apache..Love flying those choppers.. LOL the last game system I had was Coleco Vision..(lol its still in the attic w/ the games)...I just got into pc games recently after my accident..(had to fill my time at home somehow), so I pretty much suck at everything(my nerves are shot, and my reactions are sooo slow..Thank god I have a 30Mb connection)
  20. I just need to lay off Battlefield 2 before I get shell shock..
  21. Wonderful...another thing for me to get addicted to for 2 hours...lol
  22. Move...LOL..
  23. Can never have enough memory...get more sticks, and shrink that pagefile...Thats my motto.... And if you have DDR133, DDR400 will make a big difference(especially if you can run em in dual channel), but be aware that some boards a little touchy about DDR400, and especially with dual channel(I had to return 2 sets till i got ones that worked)...Some mobo manufacturers and shops will recommend pc2700(ddr333), because its more stable with most boards, but if you get quality ram, the DDR400 will be sweet...
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