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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. I already do that -- since day one actually -- there's a few criteria that need to be met to rank. I told Christian that too 'cause he's ranking high for mobile, "you're famous!" lol
  2. Can you give this a try again for me... I made an update, although if it's still not working I may need to get your user agent string. To get this just run a quick test and click "Copy Detailed Text" then paste it back here... :::.. Download Test Results ..::: Download Connection is:: 35951 Kbps about 36 Mbps (tested with 6 MB) Download Speed is:: 4494 kB/s or 4.5 MB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/kLdQPSp Test Time:: 2011-07-13 18:46:29 1MB Download in 0.23 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~4 Minutes - 627X faster than 56K Tested from a 6 MB file and took 1.4 seconds to complete Running at 225% of hosts average (cox.net) User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_ AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.68 Safari/534.24 [!]
  3. I've got the site running in a very stable state. I haven't rebooted for 87 Days and haven't had to reset a single service. Despite higher traffic volumes the main server is running with very minimal load and is happily serving away. Because of this I've cranked up the database polling. Look at Top Members - You'll now see the top 100 members ranked by download and upload speed (instead of top 20). This is also updated every 5 minutes (instead of 1 hour). There were other updates made to this section but that's the most important. See if you're on the top 100... Njoy!
  4. Hey Randall, welcome to the site! That's definitely one of the longer posts I've seen here. To add your average, max or a specific score to your forum signature do this... In the upper right under the forums, while signed in click your name... then click 'edit my profile' then click 'change signature' ... this is where you'd enter the code that you get when you click "Share on Forums" Your max for instance would be entered by first going to your results... then click... I hope this helps. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with me and my users. - D
  5. Welcome to the site! I don't allow deletion of records. What you can do however is filter your results. Under your stats, in the upper right you'll see ___ Days. Enter the number of days back you'd like to query. So entering 7 will pull your results for the last 7 days. Here is a shared query with those results. https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=07092011&x=7&l=25&q=dedelano I hope this answers your question. Please tell your friends
  6. Haha I know what you mean. I think twitter is more for famous people. Stupid if you ask me. "UPDATE: I'm eating a banana split!" -- "NEWS FLASH: I just farted!" --- "THIS JUST IN: Studies show that twitter is for douche bags and narcissists!" I made an account only because I wanted to integrate my login and sharing with them... I use it to test and make sure things are working. Beyond that... I don't get it either. These kids and their rock and roll! I don't even understand following stuff on there. I gave it a chance, tried for like a day but I don't find anyone interesting enough to give a shit what they're doing... If I cared what was on Lady Gaga's mind... I'd buy her albums. --- TWIT UPDATE: I wasted part of my life on twitter and gained ZERO knowledge! POINTLESS! But I guess it's entertainment... somehow... to some people. Not my cup of tea really.
  7. CA3LE

    ISP Provider

    Your host will most likely show as Unknown until my next major release. I need to improve on my host detection. Something I've been trying to get to for a long time. I work on this solo and there are allot of aspects to running a site like this. So I don't always get to everything I want to when I bust into work mode. This is very high on my priorities and I expect that host detection and many other things will be polished by version 12 so stick with me.
  8. Thanks for letting me know... when I get time I'll get that resolved. For now, you can test normally but your results won't be saved as mobile. I appreciate you taking the time. - CA3LE
  9. I just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July. There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. ~William J. Clinton
  10. Sorry, I don't allow deletion from the database... people could cheat the rankings if I allowed that. You can however query the database without those results by using the date and days fields. ... but because those tests were taken in the last 24 hours you can't filter them out yet.
  11. Welcome to TestMy! You're ranking... number 4 for download speed. You couldn't rank before you signed up... then after you signed up it can take up to an hour to hit the list. But you're on the list last time I looked. Enjoy your stay... come back... and make sure you tell your buddies!
  12. ... it's definitely possible. I've seen the same issue recently with two people I know... and their results looked fine on other test sites... they swapped their cable modems out and the speeds shot up. .. So did you try taking the router out of the equation?
  13. Usually that does the trick. ... hummmm Make sure MTU is 1500 -- also check in your router, I remember when I went from Qwest (DSL) to Cox (Cable) I had a similar problem. Somewhere in the settings the MTU was set to 1496 or something... great setting for DSL but incorrect for cable. I reset it to 1500 and BAM problem solved. If you can't find a setting like that I would recommend that you reset your router to default with the reset button. Setting up from scratch may solve it the issue. If you want to check and see if your router's at fault you can remove it from the equation. Connect your modem directly and see how you perform. Remember, you must unplug the modem for about 10-15 seconds to make sure your provider updates the MAC address from the router MAC to the computer MAC. You can't just swap the ethernet over -- try that stuff and get back to me. If it performs better then you know you've found the culprit. If you reset your router... please make sure you know how to get it going again. I love helping but I don't want to be responsible for any mistakes you may make. Also, is your cable modem brand new or is it an older one?
  14. Ahhh, Windows XP. I have a trick for you... I hear that allot. I something written up about this at and https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php where I try to explain why you may see differing results from other services. TestMy is proprietary and I feel that it's obvious that it's a more thorough and accurate speed test than flash based alternatives. (based on feedback from my users) What I feel that it's detecting in your case is an improperly set receive buffer or RWIN. Windows XP is notoriously bad for connections as fast as yours. Good thing fixing it is very easy. Just go to SpeedGuide.net and download TCP Optimizer . I'm attaching the most recent version to this post. TCPOptimizer-v3.0.7.zip Just set your speed, check modify all adaptors and click optimize (or something like that.. I'm on a Mac right now so I'm going from memory). After a reboot run another test and see if you have any improvement. - Let us know what you find
  15. Welcome to the site! Can you post up some test results... upload and download. What OS you run? What cable modem... do you have a router? --- more details will make it easier for us to help you. I see that you're on Road Runner... what state?
  16. ... this is a hard one... because domains with "christian" in them will most likely be taken.
  17. First.. Welcome to the site! Read this topic on Ookla tests, it explains it all --- also see https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php TestMy.net is different than other speed tests you may have used. We have a proprietary testing method and have been known to detect issues that other speed tests seem to overlook. As this site has developed I've realized that what I've created isn't just a test of your internet speed... if your line is fast enough, it can be a benchmark of your entire system. If there's something in there that's slowing you down, this test will let you know about it. Tests hosted by your provider or very close to you are the worst to look at by the way. They provide a very narrow scope of information. In ideal circumstances. Plus, I'm sure everyone agrees that a 3rd party opinion is always good. --- Another thing to think about is... many other third party opinions out there are actually just the same company... or are run by ISPs. Do you want to trust your information from your ISPs competition? Seems like a conflict of intrest to me. Extra food for thought... Ookla, speedtest.net... is owned by the former CEO of an ISP called Speakeasy. Their tests seem to me to be designed to favor the ISPs. ... coincidence? You be the judge.
  18. Nope... if you're getting those speeds here, your doing awesome. Unlike cable providers, dsl providers tend to run below advertised. From those numbers, you look like you're rockin' and rollin' now. That's about what I got on average with the same package in Phoenix, AZ. What part of Colorado? That was Qwest's home turf so they always deliver it right out there. (Sorry, on my phone) By Nope I mean I had nothing tweaked. Just a properly configured network.
  19. I just use VLC. -- I'm not an Apple hater... but I am an iTunes hater. And on Windows good 'ol WinAmp is always awesome
  20. He posted in multiple locations. Just wanted to make sure we got his message. Sometimes people don't realize that their post won't show until it's approved so they keep trying to post it. For some reason people don't seem to notice the... notice... I think I need to make it more obvious or something. ... by the way, once you've been approved you can post like normal. I'm sorry to say that we have to take steps to make sure that our forum contains zero spam... hopefully this is 100% automated soon. Getting closer.
  21. Christian and I just spent the whole day together at the house. We went to the Wildlife Zoo on Saturday and he took Randi and me out to dinner last night -- how many other 11 year olds rock that kind of swagger.
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