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    My Results

Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Ahhh, Windows XP. I have a trick for you... I hear that allot. I something written up about this at and https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php where I try to explain why you may see differing results from other services. TestMy is proprietary and I feel that it's obvious that it's a more thorough and accurate speed test than flash based alternatives. (based on feedback from my users) What I feel that it's detecting in your case is an improperly set receive buffer or RWIN. Windows XP is notoriously bad for connections as fast as yours. Good thing fixing it is very easy. Just go to SpeedGuide.net and download TCP Optimizer . I'm attaching the most recent version to this post. TCPOptimizer-v3.0.7.zip Just set your speed, check modify all adaptors and click optimize (or something like that.. I'm on a Mac right now so I'm going from memory). After a reboot run another test and see if you have any improvement. - Let us know what you find
  2. Welcome to the site! Can you post up some test results... upload and download. What OS you run? What cable modem... do you have a router? --- more details will make it easier for us to help you. I see that you're on Road Runner... what state?
  3. ... this is a hard one... because domains with "christian" in them will most likely be taken.
  4. First.. Welcome to the site! Read this topic on Ookla tests, it explains it all --- also see https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php TestMy.net is different than other speed tests you may have used. We have a proprietary testing method and have been known to detect issues that other speed tests seem to overlook. As this site has developed I've realized that what I've created isn't just a test of your internet speed... if your line is fast enough, it can be a benchmark of your entire system. If there's something in there that's slowing you down, this test will let you know about it. Tests hosted by your provider or very close to you are the worst to look at by the way. They provide a very narrow scope of information. In ideal circumstances. Plus, I'm sure everyone agrees that a 3rd party opinion is always good. --- Another thing to think about is... many other third party opinions out there are actually just the same company... or are run by ISPs. Do you want to trust your information from your ISPs competition? Seems like a conflict of intrest to me. Extra food for thought... Ookla, speedtest.net... is owned by the former CEO of an ISP called Speakeasy. Their tests seem to me to be designed to favor the ISPs. ... coincidence? You be the judge.
  5. Nope... if you're getting those speeds here, your doing awesome. Unlike cable providers, dsl providers tend to run below advertised. From those numbers, you look like you're rockin' and rollin' now. That's about what I got on average with the same package in Phoenix, AZ. What part of Colorado? That was Qwest's home turf so they always deliver it right out there. (Sorry, on my phone) By Nope I mean I had nothing tweaked. Just a properly configured network.
  6. Wow... now that's an improvement.
  7. I just use VLC. -- I'm not an Apple hater... but I am an iTunes hater. And on Windows good 'ol WinAmp is always awesome
  8. very nice
  9. He posted in multiple locations. Just wanted to make sure we got his message. Sometimes people don't realize that their post won't show until it's approved so they keep trying to post it. For some reason people don't seem to notice the... notice... I think I need to make it more obvious or something. ... by the way, once you've been approved you can post like normal. I'm sorry to say that we have to take steps to make sure that our forum contains zero spam... hopefully this is 100% automated soon. Getting closer.
  10. Christian and I just spent the whole day together at the house. We went to the Wildlife Zoo on Saturday and he took Randi and me out to dinner last night -- how many other 11 year olds rock that kind of swagger.
  11. CA3LE

    Upgrading Fios

    The tech who told me that was obviously a liar because October came and I never saw it... and now Qwest was bought out by CentryLink. He told me that the Phoenix and Denver markets were going to have it. Maybe it's still coming, but I no longer have Qwest so I haven't been keeping up with their news.
  12. There was a hostname entry out of place. That should be corrected.
  13. When I get back from a little break I'll be putting a new contact form up. I plan on putting a form up that requires NO information other than your message. So people can anonymously leave comments. Thanks for the suggestion, look for this in the near future and please keep visiting. - CA3LE
  14. I had Qwest 40/20 for about a year or so. I was very happy with it. Here's some stats from when I had it. (there are some mobile results in there... this was taken before those were able to be filtered out) https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=07012010&x=365&m=2&l=50&q=CA3LE You'll love it. Especially in comparison to what you have. Post your speeds after your upgrade. Qwest is now CenturyLink so I'll be listing all there stuff as CenturyLink. I could have sworn that I had a Qwest forum that I hadn't converted over... oh well. Your post is in the right place. Welcome to the site!
  15. Happy Father's Day! Sorry, been busy all day.
  16. Yeah... You should always be cautious of .exe .bat -- hell, anything that's executable... but zip and rar files can be just as dangerous. All they have to do is zip up the virus The only way to be safe is to scan the file before opening it... and even then you run a risk that your antivirus doesn't know about the particular virus yet. There really is no way to be 100% safe. A good rule of thumb, as with anything else in life... make sure that you trust your source. If something seems a little shady TRUST YOUR INTUITION. The fact is, if you're out doing shady things on the internet... you're probably going to get a few viruses. ... just like if you do shady things off the internet.
  17. Nope. I didn't see an open spot. I'm sure that I could find a mounting braket made to install two drives. I'll have to do some searching.
  18. Thanks Blako
  19. Ahhh, back to normal. https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=06152011&x=1&m=2&y=u&l=25&q=CA3LE
  20. It's cutting in and out. I do allot of uploading while I work... so this really effects me. Download is nearly unaffected. But I'm getting a delay in requests... which is very annoying. I bet it will work itself out. It better, because I can't work like this.
  21. Thanks man... damn it, I forgot to knock on wood. All of a sudden my upload crapped out. ...real bad ... let's see if a modem reboot fixes it. brb
  22. That's awesome! Glad to hear it. I know you've had a hell of a time getting that dialed in. Cox should be embarrassed that it took that long to get it right. They've given you a bunch of free months though, right? One extra thing you can do is send a letter or email to them. Let them know how many attempts it took and how much it inconvenienced you. I guarantee you that they'll give you something extra to say sorry. You had a pretty deep dips in performance >> https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=06142011&x=240&m=2&l=1000&q=triran then compare that to mine (for those who don't know I have the same Cox.net in Phx AZ 50/5 -- same exact modem.. nearly identical setup...) >> https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=06142011&x=30&m=2&l=1000&q=CA3LE(I have dips in my connection also but they are mostly because I'm testing the site... I can only remember a handful of times this year that my connection wasn't running at 100% or higher) I'm glad that my website could play a role in helping you get what you're paying for. Make sure you tell your friends... you know... if internet testing ever pops up in a conversation or something Damn, now you've got me beat by a hair (also on WiFi 802.11n)
  23. You have to have a custom background set... I'm going to jam out to that second one on my ipod... lol
  24. Haha, I found a bug in Google. If you're logged in and have a custom background set and you click the I just posted it won't work. You'd think Google would override that setting if you've just clicked a link like that. Nobody's perfect... even Google. -- But it's not like that's a mission critical link or anything
  25. Don't you love how Google changes their logo on their homepage. Today it's one of those interactive ones, like the awesome Google Pacman one they had a while back. ... obviously go to Google.com to check it out It's a guitar! And you can play it! ... Oh, don't fail to realize that there's a recording function... and you can share the recording. ... I'm obviously not a musician and this is obviously hardly an instrument but here ya go >> http://goo.gl/doodle/8AVe Update this thread in the future if you see a cool Google logo you want to share.
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