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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Most likely their speed test is hosted internally. So I wouldn't go from what their test says... read this ... pay attention to paragraph 2. -- that however lets you know that your line is running as it should up to the point of the ISP. Most likely there is a slow link in the route from Insight to TestMy.net. You're only as fast as the weakest link between you and the server. ISPs that use congested routes sometimes try to cover up that fact by hosting their speed test internally... pushing users to it and then say, "See, your line is working as it should..." --- then they blame the other guy. Post a traceroute if you can... Although, problems like that don't always show up in a traceroute. To run a traceroute... Windows Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type tracert google.com and/or tracert testmy.net Linux / Mac Under Applications/Utilities open 'Terminal' > type traceroute google.com and/or traceroute testmy.net Paste those results here. I see other Insight users that get over 20Mbps here all the time (one example). Do you have issues with your speed when downloading files? - CA3LE
  2. My last phone was a HTC Touch Diamond and I had mine flashed too. What ROM do you use? I liked MightyROM myself
  3. Under Version 9 >> Satellite and either MTU 1460 or MTU 1500 ... I'm not sure which works best with Wildblue. Hopefully this helps you out. Note that those patches are very old but if you're on an older version of Windows this should still be helpful. - CA3LE
  4. Here's my girlfriends HTC Incredible It varies though, if we're out of the house I've seen an average of 1.5Mbps down and max at like 2.5Mbps down. That's a very fast phone however, with capabilities above what you're seeing n 3G. Here's a download test on WiFi on that phone. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 9430 Kbps about 9.4 Mbps (tested with 15 MB) Download Speed is:: 1151 kB/s or 1.2 MB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA) Test Time:: 2011-01-08 10:59:02 GMT -7 Bottom Line:: 164X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.89 sec Tested from a 15 MB file and took 13.344 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Running at 74% of hosts average (Cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/3XRG1Q7W6 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; ADR6300 Build/FRF91) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 [!][/code]
  5. Definitely the best service in Arizona, you made a good choice.
  6. Heads up... many people who haven't supplied us with their real birthdays were emailed after January 1st with a birthday message. This came from an automated birthday script that had a little bug in it. Although this can only happen on the 1st of the year I'll make sure that it doesn't get sent out in error again. - CA3LE
  7. With the "!" you're saying, 'if the request is NOT matching SERVER_PORT 443' -- you want 443 to be forwarded to https, right? - CA3LE
  8. CA3LE


    Welcome to the site Martha. Can you post some more specifics about your setup. Any model numbers of equipment used would help too. Who is your ISP exactly? Paste your test results too... like this... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 47075 Kbps about 47.1 Mbps (tested with 50 MB) Download Speed is:: 5746 kB/s or 5.7 MB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA) Test Time:: 2010-12-30 13:40:42 GMT -7 Bottom Line:: 821X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.18 sec Tested from a 50 MB file and took 8.909 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Running at 371% of hosts average (Cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/NE3W0097B User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_5; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.231 Safari/534.10 [!] or this
  9. I still want to make Droid and Apple Apps, 2011.
  10. Sure... I could fit it in somewhere up there. Maybe after the New Year.
  11. I hope everyone has a Safe and Merry Christmas!
  12. CA3LE

    Member Stats Bug

    I see what you're talking about now. On your profile... to ME it appeared correctly as "Test Stats for nanobot", I had to change the display name on my test account to see what you were talking about. This should be resolved now. It supposed to go by Username... not Display Name, but when $member['members_display_name'] is used accidentally instead of $member['name'] you can only blame the programmer... Damn you Damon! lol
  13. Hey JerryL5, Thanks for continuing to use TestMy.net. The site is under constant development and sometimes changes need to be reverted. I knew exactly what it was and I made a correction that should resolve what you're talking about. Give it a try and let me know if it's good for you now. -CA3LE
  14. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 51200 Kbps about 51.2 Mbps (tested with 200 MB) Download Speed is:: 6250 kB/s or 6.3 MB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA) Test Time:: 2010-12-21 21:04:08 GMT -7 Bottom Line:: 893X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.16 sec Tested from a 200 MB file and took 32.769 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Running at 402% of hosts average (Cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/3QJVKP2HZ User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_5; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/8.0.552.231 Safari/534.10 [!]
  15. I don't see why not. I worked for Cox Communications in Phoenix for 5 years, I have a huge respect for how they run things. I've seen the inner workings first hand and they don't mess around. Immaculate datacenters, not a wire out of place... And the cool thing about Cox is that there are no contracts, so if you decide that 50Mbps is too much for you all you do is tell them to drop it down. Great customer service. Pretty much the only reason I ever hear people complain about Cox is because they didn't pay their bill... or they still have Cox's equipment. ... Uh, sorry... if you keep their $600 HD-DVR converter... they're gunna charge you, DUH! haha You'll be happy with them. Everyone in Phoenix knows that they can't be beat - CA3LE .... Oh yeah, make sure you come back and post your speed here once you get all setup.
  16. CA3LE

    Member Stats Bug

    The reason you are seeing a few tests under EBrown is because for a few days I was allowing the display name as what it's logged under. I quickly reverted back to logging by the actual login name when I noticed a few problems that can possibly occur when it's logged by display name. In the future I will allow registered members the ability to add extra identifying information on a test by test basis so that people can track multipul computers that are on the same connection... under one username. This should be a part of the next release, which I'm now behind on because I was sick for most of last week. Hope this clears up the confusion. - Damon
  17. No problem found.. marking as resolved.
  18. Thanks for pointing that out. There are a bunch of different scales, depending on what score you get... there absolutely was a typo in the 1K scale. I've corrected this. Thanks again - CA3LE
  19. CA3LE

    New Member

    Welcome to the site
  20. Here's what I sent to Congress and the FCC A little longer than the normal politician's 140 character attention span... (twitter joke)
  21. You can show them a log of your tests here. Here's your link >> https://testmy.net/compID/66241871384 If you test while logged in you can give them https://testmy.net/quickstats/ratchet but it looks like most of your tests were taken when you weren't logged in. Hope this helps. Getting them to admit that it's their problem is easier said than done. You may also want to read >> https://testmy.net/legit-speed-test.php
  22. Guess I should read the replies before I post Oh well... more information for the search engines, hopefully it helps someone else with the same problem.
  23. Yeah, unplug your harddrives and CD/DVD/Bluray drives, that will free up some power. If you get video then you know that you have a lack of power issue. Unless you have lots of extra peripherals 500W should be good... more likely But you also may have forgotten to plug in a secondary power INTO the video card, this is called a Supplementary Power Connector, your card has 2 6Pin Supplementary Power Connectors. Some higher end video cards require more power than they can get off the bus. So, your power supply needs to support that as well. Also, if your motherboard is crossfire (or has multi PCIe x16 slots) you may need to make sure that you are plugging it into the primary "0" slot... if you look closely it should be marked on the board (this also applies to RAM) if you're only using only one, select the slot with the lowest number... You may not have the best drivers installed. You're most likely not utilizing the cards real resources. Until it gets the correct set of instructions it will work... but not to its full potential. This usually results in lagged, jumpy, super lame video performance. Drivers for the hardware you mentioned are below. Drivers for the GeForce 9800 GT series can be found at Nvidia Drivers for your Asus M4A88T-V EVO/USB3 can be found through Asus Hope this helps bro! - D
  24. I could do this... but it would have to be a premium service for sure. Bandwidth can get out of control. Soon as I get over this little cold I have I'll see what I can put together. The server is always working hard... that's for sure. But things are configured just right. The server is on 40 days of uptime and last time I rebooted I didn't really need to reboot and that was on 60 days of uptime. What takes the most resources are the database queries, averaging and what not. 8 cores, lots of memory and 15k raid0 makes light work of it though.
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