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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of turkey and get nice and fat! Happy Turkey Day! Also, enjoy they turkeyday theme http://www.testmy.net/etc/set-theme.php?key=turkeyday -Damon
  2. haha oh, also here are the test results from the Samsung M500 when connected to my laptop... in the same area where I took the Palm Treo 700wx tests... so far this is my best score and here is the average I still haven't found a reeeeally good EV-DO area, I guess the really good areas are still patchy but if I get 300K+ everywhere I'll be happy enough.. at least it will give my laptop coverage when I can't find a wireless network to get on and that's all that matters... at that speed I can still get things taken care of and that's all that really matters.
  3. Some of you may remember me talking about a palm 700wx I got --- I highly recommended it... and it was way too soon, now I'll revisit that review original post is at >> http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-16781 This is an update to this thread. In the long run I DO NOT reccomend this phone. I had nothing but issues with it. It was AWESOME the first few days and then it was all down hill from there. Aside from being a brick in my pocket (which would have been fine if it was working... but since it was dead most of the time it was litterally a brick) it was mad buggy. Programs would freeze all the time. Now, you would think that any electronic tool would have a power key, especially one that needs force reboots as much as this BRICK but nooooo there is something that appears to be a power key but all it does is turn off the phone function... there is NO WAY to completely power this thing down unless you take out the battery.... which I had to do many times a day. The best way I could describe the feel of the phone is "a PDA with phone emulation...". Almost all phones have a nice hardware feel to their operation but the palm 700w/700wx feels very, very software (trust me, I'm making sense if you're following). Their were many cool features that this phone had but in the end it wasn't worth it. Especially since I couldn't hardly get incoming calls by the time I returned it. I ended up toughing it out till the day the new Samsung M500 came out and I haven't looked back. The Samsung M500 not only is less than 1/2 the weight (2.6oz vs 6oz) but it actually works too (lol). The Samesung M500 is a seriously awesome phone where they packed a massive amount of features into THE smallest EV-DO phone I've ever seen.... and I've had it for a while now with ZERO problems so I can safely recommend it without coming back a few weeks later to say oops -- So I went from the biggest phone to the smallest phone and am now just using the phone as a modem for my laptop, bluetooth is awesome... just leave the phone in your pocket and go-to-town. SO... IMO Smartphones STILL have a ways to go before they will win my pocket as a home. They are still just PDAs with phone software and are totally buggy pieces of shit. Get the M500, it's so light that you'll think that the battery is missing... it makes the KRZR look like one of the phones from 90210 -D
  4. join me in wishing one of our finest a happy birthday. just- ----- you ROCK! Happy Birthday! :bday: :bday:
  5. by the way... the content on that site is like "A Clockwork Orange" type shit, lol.
  6. yeah.. stupid ass Turkish group .. at least we didn't get hack this bad >>> http://videoobject.com/ -- lol
  7. Sorry for the little b it of downtime. Apparently little punk asses have nothing better to do than run hacks... and on my birthday. HEY LOOKIE LOOKIE... A POST WAS MADE ABOUT IT... WOW, DO YOU FEEL SPECIAL...... god damn, get a life already. Or hack something worth hacking. Or do a fuckin' real hack, not a SMF exploit hack. Anyway, I've patched the vulerability. Sorry for the downtime..... happy birthday to me I guess, lol. stupid ass 12-year-olds that need attention... go ask your parents for a huge instead of trying to get attention online. Because nobody gives a shit about your noname hack group!
  8. thanks... 25.... 1/4 century ..... at least I can look forward to my insurance being cheaper, oh wait I just got canceled for a drag racing ticket a year ago.. DOH! They basically canceled me for my birthday, lol.
  9. hehe, me too.. I love it. tdawnaz is disturbed by it though, lol.
  10. Have you guys seen the ekaf theme? It's based on some cool artwork I saw on an artists profile at deviant art. He does some of the coolest work, really clean and a really cool concept. A little messed up and twisted for some viewers so beware. Use the theme if you'd like by clicking
  11. Happy Veteran's Day In celebration you may notice the site theme has been changed for the day (if you have a custom theme selected you will only see the "Happy Veteran's Day" message at the top of the page, clear your cookies and cache to see the Vets theme [american theme]) Thank you to all of our Vets!!
  12. I just tried to chagen my avatar on my test account and it worked just fine. Are you using one off your computer or linking to one off sire (one on another server) -- you may want to try clearing cache, If you still have problems PM me and I will get it done for you, you can email me the avatar and I'll take care of it for you, or maybe you can setup a temp password and PM me the password so I can log into your account so I can check to see if there is something going on with your account. worked fine on my end though. -D
  13. OMG, too awesome! wait... wait ... Alright, I've got that out of my system now I can talk. I'm still watching it on DVR but so far I love what I'm seeing. I've heard about this like a million times but have never got around to recording it. I recorded Dateline MBC tonight hoping that there would be a To catch a predator segment and WOOHOO I got lucky. If you haven't heard it's where they pretend to be like a 14 year-old kid online and they truck perverts into meeting with them. And when the pedos get there they're met by NBC with cameras, they interview the bastards and ask them stuff like "what the hell is wrong with you?" and "what were you planning on doing once you got here?" and then after the interview is over they say "okay, well... catch ya later." -- the guys walk outside and a bunch of Sheriffs arrest the guys... and the pedos just keep flowing in one after another falling for the bait. [b]--- Dateline NBC Expense Report ---[/b] Highest Quality HD Camera ................................................ $56,000 / camera Paid TV personality ................................................ $25,000 / episode Bait Teenager ................................................ $5.15 / hour AOL Account ................................................ $24.95 / month (still) Catching a retarded redneck with his pants (almost) down ................................................ [b]= PRICELESS! [/b] [/html] As you can tell,I highly reccomend that you check this show out. I don't know how often they run this segment, but I have it set to record from now on... and I've only seen the first 10 minute so far Oh, and they really solicit these people from AOL.
  14. awesome, great to hear -D
  15. Sorry, I moved an internal file earlier and missed one of the references to it. I corrected this, you should be able to test without any issues.... sorry for the inconvenience. -D
  16. FIXED! I'm sorry guys, I relocated a file... I thought I corrected all the paths but I guess I missed one. I fixed it though, thanks for catching this for me. -Damon
  17. Already working on the dual test with the mirrors, it's on the back burner but it is being thought about, thanks though As for the plate... actually I have the plate "CABLE" - I worked for Cox Communications for 5 years (a cable provider) but after I stopped working there I got rid of the plate... - I don't have it on a vehicle anymore but I still have the actual plates... I edited it in photoshop to say CA3LE instead of CABLE... Funny thing is that I have the nick 'CA3LE' years and years before I worked for Cox because back in the day I was one of the first people in the US to have a cable internet connection, just happened to be a coincidence that I got a job at Cox years later
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