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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. awww a little fight... how cute man, I love making myself laugh
  2. that is awesome... nice post lorne
  3. Oh yea RTB I had to hook that up ~~~ Nice job keeping with the scheme, I made it transparent for ya HA---- HA----
  4. Dude... family guy friggen ROCKS!
  5. SnackySmores scores are true --- He came into the site a few days ago through one of my affiliates (candystore.tk) and tested at about 9Mbps -- his scores today were all consistantly 14-15Mbps -- none of his tests dropped under 14Mbps today and since there were more than 5 tests ran by him and the test sizes were about 2992KB --- all this leads me to understand that this guys got a really killer connection. And yes he is on Cox Communications... and no it isn't an employee line inside of Cox (like my office connection) it is a home connection. Enjoy the speed, hope it lasts for you...... dontcha wish your upload was like that too SnackySmores, I'm the owner & author btw LOGGING RULES! - Damon
  6. Why would they bitch about giving tech support?? Why don't they just have something printed with very clear instructions for these people... and also state in that printing "No tech support will be given" -- people will figure it out --- if they can't... they then need to ask their grandchildren Shug --- MEATWAD ROCKS! --- I need to get this shirt http://www.80stees.com/products/Aqua_Teen_Hunger_Force_meatwad_t-shirt.asp
  7. ohhhh... well just divide you kbps by 56 (or 52 because the actual maximum speed of 56K is 52Kbps) so if your line was 9000 Kbps then yes it's 161X faster -- or it's 173X faster if you want to get technical on it
  8. No... but my tool will http://www.testmy.net/cgi-bin/conv.cgi
  9. hahaha that would be hilarious
  10. CA3LE


    Thanks bullwinkle
  11. ahhhh.. okay then ~~ lemme know if you ever want a custom test set up
  12. Well I already have SQL logging... but not on the version of the test you are using, sign up for an account at http://www.testmy.net/gen.html and email me your login name and the location where you have the files on your server, also email me a link to a webpage that you would like me to use as a template for what the test pages will look like. My scripts will put it all together and will log. You get much better results off of your file because we already established that your ISP has a bad route to my server... remember You will be able to pull logs for people who run tests via your front end to my site... it's a very cool system, and has been working great for months. Let me know that info and I will further customize your test.
  13. I deleted the dbl post /// swimmer I just PM'ed you on your new rights --- you have mod in all forums now, I thought I had already gave you this last time I upgraded your account. whoops and capoDJ68 please only post once on each discussion, we try and keep a clean forum here... try anyways
  14. They need to get that out here in phoenix... that would rock. I would totally go buy a new laptop right now.
  15. It was a Clidesdale ... Those can sell for millions. sheeeeit man I told you it was a high horse, sold it to Budweiser
  16. I sold my high horse about a year ago and got a Harley
  17. Dear Mr. Damon Mueller: Thank you for shopping at Newegg.com. 1 PACKAGE(S) SHIPPED THUS FAR. Item Description Quantity 17-130-910 CD-R VERBATIM|52X 700MB 100PK SPNDL 1 20-145-480 DDRAM 1GB|64X64 VS DDR400 KIT COR% 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- Ordered that shiz the other day ... should come today, I can't wait
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