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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. My database is in MySQL -- as of right now I have logged about 550,000 scores since June --- My database is pretty optimized and is only 45MB right now --- the size of the database does not matter to me I have 160GB availible to me on my server , I just need to make sure that the database does not get too big that it becomes slow for queries. Right now I have Comp_ID indexed --- so that speeds up personal stats queries. I think that I will be able to hold at least a year of stats without speed becoming too much of an issue... maybe more than a year of stats --- if I do need to perge, I will just optimize the table once a month and drop off the oldest month logged --- but for now it's running great, MySQL server is really proving how awesome it is to me.
  2. DUUUUDE I have a vic20 too man -- and a commador 64 and an atari --- haha, I hooked the 'ol VIC up like 2 years ago it was the funniest thing ever.
  3. Well thank you for the encouragement and praise, I always love to hear it. As for people slamming me... it's going to happen, I have literally hundreds of thousands people at this site a month (and growing every day) --- there will always be people that complain and I really don't care.... because if the site really sucks... I wouldn't have hundreds of thousands people at this site a month -- If a site sucks people don't come, and I do not at all advertise, 100% word of mouth. Again if a site sucks, people don't tell other people As for bandwidth... I'm only touching 1/10 to 1/8 of my bandwidth, I don't want people to abuse my service... but I am not going to cry if you test as often as you need to --- my contextual advertisments I have on the site far more than pay for the huge expense of hosting this site... and as I have said in the past, if I ever get to the point to where I am running out of bandwidth... I will just buy up another server Name another site that offers SQL logging of test scores without having to sign up or pay for it ~~ also name another site that graphs those results... also name another site that has taken extra care in ensuring that the server used actually meets the application. But one thing I do admit is that I need to work more on my upload test, it is out dated and is not as accurate as I would like it to be -- it is an extreamly hard test to perfect (to where it's accurate on EVERYONE's machine), and this is why most test sites don't offer upload tests -- but I am completely re-writing it... that is going to take me a while People like yourself are what has and will motivate me to move forward. There is only a very small amount of people that talk crap anyway and there always will be... with every site on the internet, hell people talk crap about google and we all know how friggen awesome google is. In d_load.cgi (the parent PERL script for the download test) there are over 1000 lines of code or about 28,000 characters of hand-written-code.. there are at least 10 other scripts that tie into that script alone and all and all at least 100 different scripts that are on this site at least(some of which you guys don't see). In the complete development of this site including old versions I have most likely written over a million lines of code --- having said that, I would like to see any one of those people that talk crap do any better // I think for a one man show I have done pretty awesome... not to toot my own horn or anything Very nice scores by the way... I only get half of your download :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4739 Kbps about 4.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 578 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 85 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.77 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=IABK34TOV
  4. Moving your post ... you posted in the wrong section...
  5. VanBuren... I have created a test for you that uses my current test core... the tests that you are linking to are using an out dated core... this one link will link to all the tests you have created Your Files, Your Layout ::: http://www.testmy.net/cgi-bin/d_load.cgi?ta=1&top=VanBuren&out_pop=1'>http://www.testmy.net/cgi-bin/d_load.cgi?ta=1&top=VanBuren&out_pop=1 TestMy.net Files, Your Layout ::: http://www.testmy.net/cgi-bin/d_load.cgi?ta=1&top=VanBuren I am going to PM you with login info for editing your layout Enjoy
  6. Now why didn't you order your service through me maaaaan ... Didn't you know that I am sales for Cox in Phoenix....
  7. awww. "The page cannot be displayed" Where did it go.. I didn't even get a chance to try it
  8. Don't use any of that crap -- all of those programs do all harm and no good. What service do you have.. how fast is your connection??
  9. I think i might have to pick myself up the same deal
  10. Corsair rules .. i would totally sport their 'value select' in my box .. good choice
  11. simple answer to that one... YES nice new avitar swimmer
  12. yep... pimp MASTA right there -- hehe
  13. At the end you shoud see averages --- that is your average latency to my server.
  14. Don't mix the RAM -- I am pretty sure the following is still relivant. If you mix a lower speed ram with a higher speed ram.. your faster ram will clock down to match the crap RAM. Do you really need another 256 MB... NO. I would buy at least a single stick of PC2-3200 DDR2-400 -- should be about $120 and that will be perfect for your system.(that is of course if your motherboard can take DDR2 ~ otherwise just get PC3200 DDR which should be about $50-$60 for 512MB) I seriously need to do the same myself, I got all this badass shit in my machine and I got like 1GB of friggen lame memory -- my machine has a 400Mhz FSB and I haven't even taken advantage of it yet... But... if your FSB is 333 > get PC2700 or better if your FSB is 366 > get PC3000 or better if your FSB is 400 > get PC3200 or better You think they might have just named the memory PC333, PC366 and PC400 huh More memory is not always good though... Think of it this way, as a person.. being able remeber a crap load of stuff is really cool... but if it takes you forever to recall that information what the hell is the use. Faster memory = faster computer = less stuff that needs to be put into memory ~~~~ I would take a stick of - PC2-5300 DDR2-667 512MB over a 2GB stick of PC2100 any day of the week.....
  15. try typing it right [code:1]tracert testmy.net[/code:1]
  16. Cox rules .... you know what I mean
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