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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Want to try the beta? Your upload will shine with the new multithread upload test.
  2. Hi xCon, welcome! You weren't ranking before because you need to have recent upload and download test results. Once you logged that upload result you were on the leaderboard within 15 minute. Just be fast and test both upload and download and you'll hit the Fastest Members list.
  3. Very glad to hear that. Can you please check Opera Portable and let me know if the zoom/shrink issue is resolved?
  4. When you ping or trace testmy.net it goes to cloudflare CDN. Target servers directly by location. For you Dallas is the closest. dallas.testmy.net
  5. @xs1 @cholla Very trippy but not a virus. It's a bug with the newer version of chart.js. I can't find the topic now but this was reported before. The beta version is using a newer version of chart.js but there's an odd issue with it. Only seems to happen on older browsers. A newer version has been released now so I'll recompile and see if it's resolved. It's really weird. Has to do with dynamic div sizing... it's like it can't figure out the size so it gets stuck in that loop. Newer browsers don't do this... I think it actually may have been a bug in the browser itself.. which was later corrected. But it doesn't change the fact that it remains on those old browsers... so I need to program for it. This bug is only present in the beta, the production version is using an older version of chart.js not affected by this.
  6. This gif worked for me too, it's just corrupted in some odd way that prevents it from processing correctly when uploaded.
  7. Yes but the Firefox Portable Edition is a different install. I would give all of them a try.
  8. Yes, the .mkv worked fine. Wow, you're rockin' Windows 7?! User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Windows NT 6.1; rv:109.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0 You should see if Brave will install (that's a Chrome variant). Firefox and Chrome are excellent out of the box.
  9. Very weird issues with that gif file. After I read your post I test posted a gif and it worked fine. I then tried your file and it hung and then errored out. So then I thought I'd re-save it... same issue. Then I compressed and resized it... same issue. The only way I could get it to work was to screen record the gif and then convert that to a gif. lol. I don't know what's wrong with that file but I had issues trying to record it with that gifcap.dev too... I screen captured it and it got to the export and then wouldn't export. So weird, I just tried it again and for sure it crashes gifcap's process. I did a test on a google tab, exported just fine (can see the CPU use go up during the process). But then recorded that gif playing in a tab, clicked export and zero CPU use. It's as if the images themselves, within the gif are somehow breaking things. Maybe during compression, that odd texture (artifacting in your gif) is freaking it out. -- crazy! -- maybe imagemagick or some other thing we both have in common. I used traditional screen recording and it has no issues. I notice that over the conversion process the texture artifacts are gone and that may be why it processes server-side correctly. So weird. Now, watching that video. It does appear that something is messing with the parsing of data. The test should load much smoother. Progress should not jump, seeming to load multiple points at once like in your example. It should look more like this... I'll try to get a test bench setup tonight using the same variables you're using. For now, can you install another browser on the side and run some tests with a default browser? I imagine it will run normally in that situation.
  10. Where is their server located that you're connecting to?
  11. Very good details. I imagine it's one of those extensions but I'll run some testing and see if I can replicate. Even with filters disabled, uBlock Origin may be parsing the data stream. This would happen with the Linear test but not multithread. Which is what I'm seeing in your results right now. Linear result (when this occurs) TestMy.net Test ID : YaoXUcOXy Multithread results all come through normally. TestMy.net Test ID : ROBR1XXxE.MsXB6wSst Calculations, graphing... everything is exactly the same. Same program with zero separation. The only difference is how the data is being rendered. And if something is parsing your data ... ... ... use your imagination. Spinning up a test bench to nail this down.
  12. Are you using any browser extensions? TestMy.net's servers are all identical clones and sync changes with each other. I see a 1400 Mbps result for India under your results. TestMy.net Test ID : bpsUPY1Qx Ending at a 68.6 MB test size... When I test India I get a normal, expected result. TestMy.net Test ID : -vm0O8Q00 Something weird is definitely happening. In that situation it shouldn't end at 68.6 MB, it should have been ordered to run 200 MB. But the program may be detecting that something is a miss and is terminating the test early. I'll need to dig in to see but the problem is... if I can't replicate the issue it makes it much harder to find. If we can get a better idea of what may be causing that to happen I can replicate the scenario and see if improvements can be made. --- but it might just be something localized to your setup. Again, I'd like to know what that is. You were supposed to receive an email about my beta but for some reason you weren't in the group I thought I had you in. Now you're correctly tagged as "Original Member". I could have sworn... Here's a topic to get you started on the beta. The beta employs an entirely different test process (completely rebuilt from the ground up) but still offers the same linear test. After you enable the beta, go to the download test and click [Linear]. This will test with the new program but will still render the data the exact same way as the test you're running into the 1400 Mbps issue on. Please run a variety of tests using the beta so we can see if you get similar results. If possible please upload a screen recording, I'd like to get a feel for what's happening. https://gifcap.dev/ can help with that, quick and easy in your browser. Public beta will be made available soon.
  13. I enabled additional error logging last night on My Projects but made a typo. Resolved now, thank you.
  14. This is now available for all beta testers. Look for "My Projects" under DB in the main menu (outside of the forum).
  15. Looks like they're in Pakistan. blackcobracatcher's Speed Test Results If your only seeing 2-8 Mbps here at TestMy.net then chances are you don't really have 500 Mbps. You may see great speed nearby but the internet tends to be everywhere. 🤔 Imagine this, I'm in Pakistan and I setup a 10 Gbps network in my neighborhood and get all of my 200+ neighbors to sign up. They're all super excited because after I get them connected I show them they're getting 10 Gbps using my speed test (testing against servers hosted over at my house... shhh, don't tell them that). Imagine I have 4 connections out, a few 10 Gbps connections that connect me to other local/regional ISPs but I only have 1x10 Gbps that peers well internationally. Depending on the routing, time of day and what the other neighbors are doing a customer might get 10 Gbps but may also hit the bottleneck of those connections out of the network. This is the same thing ISPs do all over the world. They oversell network capacity. You're always going to lose speed at distance but higher quality hosts/connections will take better, more direct routes and have higher capacity. You definitely shouldn't drop to 2% of the connection speed. And if that's what TestMy.net is showing you, that's what you're really getting. At least to and from the location you have selected (Florida). Here's my connection speed nearby, I'm in Colorado Springs - testing Colorado Springs TestMy.net Test ID : 2h874_xfA.hbMDDdqXt And here's to my hardest to reach locale, India. TestMy.net Test ID : L5axksd8f.xOMgtA8Sl So I'm running at 28% Download and 47% Upload I usually get my worst connection speeds to India. Testing against UK, still international and about 5000 miles I get better results. TestMy.net Test ID : ZwxVufpxD.lJx2Jf4FV 50% Download and 69% Upload. And I usually see better results than that. ?t=u&l=50&z=65&q=CA3LE's Speed Test Results This is my consumer home connection, using commercial connections gives much better results at distance. You're hitting a bottleneck somewhere. Other speed tests may paint a different picture. You should probably stop using them. Those other tests are often made by entities who have an interest in showing you a better result. I don't. I really don't care how you score. I only care to show you the truth in the best way I know. When you test at TestMy.net the servers are hosted under the most popular VPS hosts, currently Vultr is carrying the majority of my bandwidth (unbiased hosting). Where other speed tests are reported to remove certain portions of the result and highlight others; which often makes things appear faster, TestMy.net always calculates your result simply and transparently using size/time = speed. Let me put it this way, I wish everyone could see and understand the code behind TestMy.net. If you did you'd know that it's actually impossible for it to show you 8 Mbps unless you actually have 8 Mbps. The test wants to run full throttle, unless it's being restricted in some way. So it HAS to be restricted to get the results you're seeing. My guess is a bottleneck coming out of your ISP and Pakistan but it could be a number of issues that other tests for some reason never seem to notice. But if it's slowing down TestMy.net, you're being slowed down. Other speed tests obviously have different goals than TestMy.net. As @xs1 said, try selecting different mirrors. You may get better results on a server closer to you but you still shouldn't be getting such a poor result to Florida. Run some tests against IN, UK and DE to see what your results look like. Let me know when you're done and I'll post your results here in the forum for you.
  16. please run that traceroute to fl.testmy.net again 2 more times. See if we find a pattern. Again, those timeouts are perfectly normal. I'm looking at hop 7 right now because the 3rd attempt was >3X the previous. IP in question is within Columbus Networks (ref: https://testmy.net/iptools/ Here's mine for comparison, from Colorado Springs to Miami Florida >2000 miles. And to my datacenter, downtown Colorado Springs about 20 miles away. Note the consistency between the 3 RTT columns for each hop.
  17. Some parts of your route may not respond to ICMP, this is normal. You'll notice 3 RTT columns (displaying ms). One thing you're looking for is consistency between them. You're also looking for responses that are out of line with the point in the route. If you're seeing 28 ms on hop 5, then 300 ms on hop 6, then 45ms on hop 7... it would appear in that case that hop 6 may have issues. Your hop 10 show 124, 61, 59. May have been a fluke but it is showing a little inconsistency in that hop. I'd test it a few more times to be sure. I see that IP returns as Columbus Networks (query w/ TMN iptools). So it looks to me like it's still within your ISPs network. Run a traceroute to the TestMy.net server nearest to you (fl.testmy.net) and post the screenshot for me. tracert fl.testmy.net Another question, how is your computer connected to the network? Are you wired or using wifi? If you're concerned about latency make sure you hardwire the computer.
  18. Welcome to TestMy.net! I think we can help.
  19. Good catch. It's now encoding properly for that instance. Sweet. I hope it helps.
  20. @nanobot Look for "My Projects" under DB in the main menu (outside of the forum). Play around with it and share your thoughts. Note, results will only be saved when using the beta version (for now). When you join a project it will default the target device to the beta automatically. Another note, you can use emojis in names if you'd like. Pretty fun.
  21. I did have it ready for you but wanted to run some more tests. Been busy with family since my last post. Volunteered for my daughter's 6th grade YMCA camping trip, which was awesome! My wife was only days from her due date but she always runs a couple weeks longer. I also had a friend with me who had a satellite phone and was only maybe 70-90 minutes from getting to the hospital if needed. I get to the camp and find that although there's definitely no cell service... they have wifi setup for the school. lol, glamping. Anyways, we got back and I under estimated the time needed to get ready. Before I knew it we were having a baby. Reign was born 9/26/2023 9lbs 12oz 22in My youngest daughter Reagan holding him, first moments at home. I have 5 kids now. While I moved around the hospital for 72 hours I was able to quickly make and add to projects, search, select, have results saved on those special side databases and then at the end aggregate them all together. I want to run though testing the QR Auth again. In all of my previous testing so far it's working as expected. You pull up the Pro Auth page on the device you want to test, scan the QR code on your phone (signed in to TMN), your phone asks you to either create a new project or assign the device to an existing project. As soon as it's selected the target device gets a signal and then the browser's results get tied to your special side database. In use I thought of some things to improve the experience but I think what's laid down so far makes a good version 1. For your use case it might just make your life easier. When I'm able to I'll give it another go over, when satisfied with how it's working for me I'll open it up for your username first. Once you're happy with the operation we'll share it with the rest of our beta testers. The code base on this increased 35% from the 18th to the 25th. So quite a bit more logic has been added since I was already getting excited. Hope you dig it.
  22. I'll have it ready before then for sure. 😉
  23. I can't finish it until at least Friday but I'll let you know as soon as it's ready. 😀
  24. Well it's definitely falling into place. QR authorization done. You can now have your phone signed in, then go from computer to computer and scan the QR code. A couple seconds, it links up and then asks you which projected to add it to. Once you select, the target computer magically gets authorized. It's really cool. Again, great idea Elliot. Coming together nicely. I'll be hitting you up for real-world testing as soon as I finish my testing.
  25. Click [Customize] then select 500 MB max. I may change the default after we get going.
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