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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by trogers

  1. Then you will have to enter the values manually from top to bottom and left to right order: 64240 64240 1 100 240 640 819200 64000 150400 0 12800 32 4096 1 1 0 64240 8000 32768 5000000 1 1 0 1 2 100 80 1460 1460 30 0 64240 20 10 64 0 6 240
  2. Yes, your comp settings have been tweak well, except that I would use RWIN - 64240. I have set your RWIN to 128480 because of high latency in your nitro test.
  3. Try again.
  4. Run Windows in safe mode and see if you can get to DOS
  5. That is the DOS command box. It is not normal unless you set a security program to prevent using DOS.
  6. Try this ccs file.
  7. Maybe they are making technical adjustments to their networks. Probably temporary.
  8. Electromagnetic interference: https://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1885
  9. If your modem and router are near to each other, place them a few feet apart.
  10. I believe your subscribed speed is 4000/386 Kbps. Try this ccs file and post new speedtest results.
  11. Do this test and post your results: https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php
  12. What are your subscribed speeds?
  13. Do a network diagnostic check at this link. Post the full report including STATISTICS and MORE DETAILS: http://nitro.ucsc.edu/
  14. Download the Cablenut Adjuster program from www.cablenut.com and use it to open this ccs file. Then click 'Save to Registry', exit and reboot your comp. Then carryout speedtests for down and up in www.testmy.net using the LARGEST file and post your results.
  15. Your RWIN setting of 64240 is set too low for a 5-6 Mbps throughput. Try this ccs file and do your speedtests again with the LARGEST file 2922 KB. Post your results.
  16. What are your subscribed speeds from your ISP?
  17. Post your speed tests and do carry out this test and post your results: https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php
  18. Do 3 speed tests 15 mins apart and see if you still have speed fluctuations.
  19. Your ISP's routers are set to ignore pings. We have to locate the problem by trial and error. First main cause of speed fluctuations is electromagnetic interference. Check and see if you have some electrical devices (sound speakers, TV, phone set, etc..) .located near your modem and connection cables. If yes, relocate them 3-4 feet away.
  20. Go to this site and carry out the 'Ping Host' and 'Traceroute to Host' and post your results: https://www.speedguide.net/networktools.php
  21. Do a ping and tracert and post your results
  22. Do not place your modem and router close together. Keep them a few feet apart.
  23. These are unusual speeds for DSL broadband. I think you mean 512/256 Kbps, or you are using PPPoA. Open this ccs file with Cablenut Adjuster, click 'Save to Registry' and exit. Reboot your comp and test speeds again using the LARGEST file 2992 KB.
  24. Nitro4WD has posted similar test results as you. Perhaps you can have a chat with him to see if you are located near to each other and the slowdown maybe with the network?
  25. Hi, Post your speed test and TCP Analyzer
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