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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by trogers

  1. One of the core router in the UK is down, that may be the reason why latency to the US is very high: http://www.internettrafficreport.com/history/81.htm
  2. One of the core router in the UK is down. That may be the reason why latency to the US is very high: http://www.internettrafficreport.com/history/81.htm
  3. Test your speed again at any site in this link, but located in the UK: http://www.testmyspeed.com/speedtests/international.htm
  4. Test your speed again at any site in this link but located in the UK: http://www.testmyspeed.com/speedtests/international.htm
  5. Hi, Do you happened to be located in Cambridge?
  6. Depends who you are sending the file to. If that person is using a dial-up 56K modem, you can only send as fast as he can receive.
  7. Any test site near you that test upload? My guess is that your upload is now 110 Kbps
  8. Make the change to the ccs file, click 'Save to registry', exit and reboot. Then test speed at a site near to you
  9. Here is a internet traffic report for Europe: http://www.internettrafficreport.com/europe.htm
  10. Choose some places in this website that is nearer to your country to test speed: http://www.testmyspeed.com/speedtests/international.htm
  11. you need to make a small change to my ccs file. Open it with Cablenut Adjuster and change the following to: DefaultSendWindow - 8760. I am looking for some test places for you nearer to you. USA is too far and now it is after 6 pm, internet traffic in Europe is heavy.
  12. I think your ISP gives you 256/128 speed and not 256/256. Please check.
  13. You are in Italy?
  14. And the upload speed?
  15. They are the down and up speeds that you pay your ISP to give you. Check the monthly bills or call your ISP and ask what speeds for the amount you are paying.
  16. Slow speed can be due to 2 factors: traffic load on the network and system problems of the comp. Traffic load changes at different times of the day. So, during 2-5 am period, I would think traffic is low and so you should reach 85-90% of your subscribed speed. System problems make you slow at all time, and even slower during heavy traffic.
  17. Oh dear, both up and down speeds are bad. Go to www.cablenut.com and download the Cablenut Adjuster program. Open this attached ccs file with it, click 'Save to registry', exit and reboot comp. Retest your speeds using the LARGEST file 2992 kB.
  18. Need t know your present comp setting: Carry out this test and post your results: https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php
  19. Need to know your subscribed speeds before we can give you a cablenut custom setting (ccs) file that can be opened by the Cablenut Adjuster program. You do not need to enter individual values, the ccs file is complete in itself.
  20. So your system is free of spyware and your speed is about 60Kbytes/s, about half of what it should be. FallowEarth suspects that the slowdown is software based. I am looking down a different route. Your original modem driver is ver 3.0.1 and the Update is ver Is it possible that your ISP and Speedtouch made some changes in their signal processing system that need the driver to be updated? One of the main requirements before tweaking is this: :ALWAYS connect your modem via ethernet (NIC) and make sure you have the latest drivers for your NIC from the manufacturer and set your duplex mode to "auto". If you are using a router make sure you have the latest firmware."
  21. Give a call to your ISP tech support and ask them if you need to install the Driver Update for XP shown in Speedtouch's website. This update was created July last year. If they confirm you need to install it, ask them for the installation instructions.
  22. did you roll back your modem driver?
  23. reboot your comp and do the speedtests without firewalls again
  24. download and install the driver upgrade for XP
  25. http://www.speedtouch.com/support.htm
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