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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by trogers

  1. have you also upgraded your driver? or had just installed the driver in the CD that came with your modem?
  2. Go to this site and check if you had install the correct driver for your modem: XP 64bit or Driver upgrade for XP
  3. What brand and model no. is your modem?
  4. His TCP buffer seems to be 'sticky'. Even when RWIN is changed from 64240 to 128480, his throughput limit only increase 10-15%
  5. Good idea. Latency will be lower to these sites.
  6. Test again with just TCP Analyzer
  7. Load and run TCP Optimizer again but one time only.
  8. After reboot the 2nd time, test at https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php http://nitro.ucsc.edu/
  9. Use the TCP Optimzer and load the following, twice. Reboot after each loading: General Settings tab: Custom settings - check Modify All Network Adapters - check network adapter selection - your NIC MTU - leave blank TTL - 64 TCP Receive Window - 64240 MTU Discovery - Yes Black Hole Detect - No Selective Acks - Yes Max Duplicate ACKs - 2 TCP 1323 Options: Windows Scaling - uncheck Timestamps - uncheck Advanced Settings tab: Max Connections per Server - 10 Max Connections per 1.0 Server - 20 LocalPriority - 5 Host Priority - 6 DNSPriority - 7 NetbtPriority - 8 Lan Browsing speedup - optimized QoS: NonBestEffortLimit - 0 ToS: DisableUserTOSSetting - 0 ToS: DefaultTOSValue - 240 MaxNegativeCacheTtl - 0 NetFailureCacheTime - 0 NegativeSOACache Time - 0 LAN Request Buffer Size - 32768 Then select "Apply Changes" and reboot to take effect
  10. Go to www.speedguide.net and download the TCP/IP Optimizer. Let's try to use this today.
  11. Hi, I was wondering if you have installed the following tweaks: http://www.j79zlr.com/reg.php
  12. Click right on the "My Computer" icon of your desktop, click on 'properties. In the open box, click on 'hardware' and then 'device manager'. When a new box open, click on the '+' sign of Network adaptors. Then click right on the name of your NIC (Ethernet Controller) and click 'properties. In the new box, click on 'Advanced' and select the description line with the word 'duplex'. change the value to 'Auto-Sense' and then click 'ok' Then close all your opened boxes, turn off your computer and disconnect power to your modem. Wait for 10 mins, reconnect power to your modem, and turn on your computer. Test your modem duplex setting again at: http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ and post your results.
  13. no. most likely you hit their firewall and so request timed out. call their technical support to check your line tomorrow. I have to go to bed now. It's 6 am here...LOL
  14. Good speed. Use this new file.
  15. One other way is to call your ISP to send a tech down to your home to test line quality. Your present settings has not improve much. Still at 0.4 Mbps speed.
  16. Go to DOS and ping www.________ using your ISP's website address. Do this a few times. within 15 mins and see if yu get large differences in ping time.
  17. Web100 reports the Round trip time = 326.11 msec; the Packet size = 1460 Bytes; and No packet loss - but packets arrived out-of-order 7.91% of the time This connection is network limited 99.97% of the time. Your PC/Workstation has a 125.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 3.00 Mbps The network based flow control limits the throughput to 0.64 Mbps Your latency is now 326 ms. First it was about 500 ms. Then 600 ms and now 300+ ms. These are wide fluctuations.
  18. This other guy from London has no problems after tweaking.
  19. Try this other ccs file. If it is better, use it. If not, revert back to the first ccs file.
  20. If your latency goes to normal (meaning not more than 300 ms), you need to use my original ccs file. The last adjustment is to compensate for the high latency. You can try pinging your ISP 4-5 times and note if there are wide fluctuations in latency. A single test may not be indicative..
  21. I would check the phone line and also look out for water or snow affecting junction boxes. Or electrical or magnetic devices near your phone lines too.
  22. What are your speeds after tweaking? Please post them.
  23. That is what troubling me. Your test report points to high latency 500-600 ms. This usually shows a problem with the line. But your tracert is normal.
  24. I am out of idea. But I still suspect someone may be tapping your line. If you are staying in a hostel or apartment, this can be a possibility. Maybe you can do a visual check of the telephone wiring from the mains and up to your room. If I have any new ideas I will message you.
  25. Try this ccs file. You need to download the Cablenut Adjuster program from www.cablenut.com to open the ccs file. Then click 'Save to registry', exit and reboot your comp. Carry out speed tests for both down and up using the LARGEST file.
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