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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by trogers

  1. Can you deactivate your Japanese IME and the conime programs using the Task Manager and check speed again? You can download and use this netstat meter to check if your upload (outgoing signals) is active at too high a level even when you are not uploading: http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/nsl.htm
  2. Use the TCP Optimizer to find your largest MTU and also Latency. And post your results.
  3. See if your MTU can be higher than 1480. Try the following with the TCP Optmizer (www.speedguide.net): General Settings tab: Custom settings - check Modify All Network Adapters - check network adapter selection - your NIC MTU 1492 TTL - 64 TCP Receive Window -63888 MTU Discovery - Yes Black Hole Detect - No Selective Acks - Yes Max Duplicate ACKs - 2 TCP 1323 Options: Windows Scaling - uncheck Timestamps - uncheck Advanced Settings tab: Max Connections per Server - 10 Max Connections per 1.0 Server - 20 LocalPriority - 5 Host Priority - 6 DNSPriority - 7 NetbtPriority - 8 Lan Browsing speedup - optimized QoS: NonBestEffortLimit - 0 ToS: DisableUserTOSSetting - 0 ToS: DefaultTOSValue - 240 MaxNegativeCacheTtl - 0 NetFailureCacheTime - 0 NegativeSOACache Time - 0 LAN Request Buffer Size - 32768 Then select "Apply Changes" and reboot to take effect
  4. Are you located far from your ISP's CO? Hop 2 to 3 sees a big delay. Another possibility is problem in the telephone lines Check visually that the phone line within your home is okay right to the junction box located just outside the house and that there is no electromagnetic interference (EMI) from nearby electrical devices affecting the low voltage signals in the line. We had a case a couple of weeks ago, where a defective heat pump was emitting strong EMI affecting signals.
  5. To do a tracert, click 'Start' and then 'Run'. Type "cmd" into the box and click 'ok'. A DOS black screen will appear. Type after the C: tracert www.testmy.net and press enter key When test is completed, move mouse cusor to the DOS black screen, click right and choose 'select all'. Move mouse cursor to the Quick Reply box of this forum, click right and 'paste'.
  6. The following parts of the test results are of significant: "There were 12 packets retransmitted, 45 duplicate acks received, and 50 SACK blocks received The connection was idle 0 seconds (0%) of the time This connection is network limited 99.98% of the time. Excessive packet loss is impacting your performance, check the auto-negotiate function on your local PC and network switch RTT = 178.93msec MaxRwinRcvd: 33396 Your PC/Workstation has a 32.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 1.42 Mbps The network based flow control limits the throughput to 0.43 Mbps" Your signal quality is not good as shown by the high RTT and packet losses. Your RWIN (buffer) is only 33396 limiting your throughput to 1.4 Mbps. Your ISP network at the time of testing has high traffic shown by the small throughput of 0.43 Mbps allocated to you. To check line quality, do a tracert to www.testmy.net What is your ISP advertised speed?
  7. This topic has been addressed in this thread: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-11556
  8. Do this network diagnostic test and post (including reports under 'Statistics' and 'More Details' buttons): http://nitro.ucsc.edu/
  9. I am not from USA. Can any one please check and see if the signal route of this tracert logical? 2 10 ms 9 ms * City: Burlington, Vermont 3 10 ms 11 ms * City: Cambridge, New York 4 8 ms 11 ms * Private IP Address 5 15 ms 20 ms * City: Hudson, New Hampshire 6 31 ms 21 ms * City: Pembroke, Massachusetts 7 17 ms 19 ms * City: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I am troubled by hop 4 into a private IP Address. Could this comp been hacked and signal dirverted?
  10. Perhaps a network diagnostic test may provide some clues: http://nitro.ucsc.edu/
  11. I think you have a HACKER uploading from your comp. Did a check of your Task Manager pic and this is what links in Google showed: http://process.networktechs.com/conime.exe.php http://www.testmyfirewall.com/dll-files/conime.html After reading through further links in Google, there are comments that conime.exe is part of Microsoft. I did a check and found it in my c:windowssystem32 (file size 27,648 bytes) but I have never seen this in my Task Manager since using XP. Also, your conime file is shown as 280k in your Task Manager: http://s88039565.onlinehome.us/wordpress/archie/2005/02/27/trojan-not-a-trojan-the-story-of-conimeexe/ http://www.kephyr.com/filedb/index.php?viewtopic=conime.exe+ http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/Library/9e1d766f-840c-487a-ace9-72194af2fee61033.mspx In conclusion, this exe file seems to be activated when your comp is set work with Japanese, Chinese or Korean languages. So if this is true, then conime.exe appearing in your comp may be normal, though the enlarged file size is rather unusual. If you did not run any of these foreign languages, then conime.exe is suspect.
  12. Hi Kidz, Heard you are having problems. Do the following 2 tests and post: https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ - this test, click the 'Statistics' and 'More Details' buttons below the test box and then post the 2 reports.
  13. Just click right on the DOS screen and choose 'select all' then paste in quick reply box.
  14. Please do a tracert to www.testmy.net.
  15. Please do the following and post: https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php Tracert to www.testmy.net
  16. What is your subscribed speed? Did you using wireless to test?
  17. The ping test just showed that it has encountered two intermediate routers that did not respond to pings. Not any serious failure on your side. You need to do a tracert from your comp to check your signal status.
  18. Yes |3v|lon3|, This is one of the common cause of low or fluctuating speed because most of us have perhaps only one or two wall power sockets in our bedrooms. With the many electrcial devices we have in today's lifestyle, they tend to be placed in close proximity to each other.
  19. Other possible cause is poor telephone line or loose line connection. CA3LE has posted some comments about this here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=11976.msg119237#msg119237 If possible, do some visual inspection of your cable or phone line within your house to the junction box outside your house..
  20. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be another possible cause of your speed problem. One common source of EMI is from the router that is placed next to the modem: https://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1885 Other sources of EMI are sound speakers (eg. subwoofer) cordless phone set or even the power supply box mounted on the top inside of the CPU tower. So ensure you keep your signal cables and signal devices like modem and router away from sources of EMI.
  21. I am using ASUS motherboard and use their AiBooster to overclock by only 15%. Readings are Memory - 2.55v, AGP - 1.60v Temperature - 49C after 2 hours, while room temp is 26C.
  22. Perhaps the server in www.download.com was busy at that time and could only supply you a bandwidth of 400 Kbps. To read more about speedtesting try this link: http://www.askmarvin.ca/testing.html
  23. I have to go to bed. It's past 2 am here. If 10 half duplex does not work, try 10 full duplex. And if that also cannot work, reset everything to auto-sensing and get your ISP to give you a new modem.
  24. This is for the case where you do not have a router. If you do have a router, try setting Nic and the WAN of the router to auto-sensing first. If this do not work, adjust the WAN to 10 Mbps/half duplex and leave the Nic at auto-sensing.
  25. Yes. 10 for Mbps and half duplex
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