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coknuck last won the day on December 1 2019

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About coknuck

  • Birthday 04/08/1949

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Community Answers

  1. Change the 2.4G to the 5G on the router and you will see a big difference.
  2. It didn't matter, with or without Avast enabled or disabled on my old laptop. Maybe 2-3 Mbps.
  3. Hey cholla, how you been? long time..
  4. Had the same problem, it turned out to be to much noise (noise levels were to high) in the line. They need to get the maintenance crew involved. If you have phone, I bet you loose it all the time!
  5. I will be getting the 200/20. More impressed with the 20 up.
  6. Starting 4/6/16 TWC in the old Insight Kentucky market will be going to the Maxx Service. Here is what you are going to get at no extra cost.
  7. Welcome to the site. It would be nice to know who your provider is.Take some test here so we can see what you are getting! Be sure to clean your cache between download test.
  8. TWC is famous for overloading their nodes. I'll bet your speed loss is in peak times 7pm to 12 midnight. Caused by overloaded nodes with people streaming netflix's and other stuff like that. Like Pgoodwin1 said keep chipping at them and keep asking for you $20 discount like I did. They got tired of giving me discounts and finally moved me to another node, now all is good until they overload this one. Then back to the discounts until they move me again or put in a new node. Just my 2 cents.
  9. coknuck

    Internet TV

    Welcome! You need to give more information. Your post is very vague. Who are you wanting to go with, what packages do the provide ect...
  10. Yeah ,I did by mistake! Sorry!!
  11. That's pretty trippy!
  12. Not totally certain. Thought with the bad snow storms if the ions could be change over an airport it would be practical. I remember in the past it was said they could change weather conditions using this. Fact or fiction, not sure..
  13. Sorry I messed your up! I get confused with new stuff!
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