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Everything posted by pitbull481

  1. how do i open a rar file?
  2. took me close to 6 hours maybe less.
  3. i think it's RAR
  4. i downloaded and burned it to dvd. now what? i restarted computer and it wont do anything
  5. out of these laptops, which is best? I picked all 3 from Bestbuy and to closest price range Apple-PowerPC G4 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7035585&type=product&id=1099395889510 Sony-Intel Petium M http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7126978&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat600050027&id=1109938021253 Gateway-Mobile AMD Athlon 64 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7267815&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat39100050016&id=1117177722061
  6. What are the differences between Intel, AMD, PowerPC G4 (Apple)? and which is best?
  7. Press the Print Screen key on your keyboard, then open paint and press Ctrl + v and save it as a.jpg.
  8. for me too. was going slooow between 0% to 10% also said estimate finish is 255 hours once around 11% to now it's going pretty fast estimate finish is 5 hours
  9. just dont get to dirty
  10. Netmasta why did you locked this topic? i checked my email and said this topic was locked than unlock?
  11. what's the difference between 32bit and 64bit?
  12. can you post where you downloaded it from? i want to try it out
  13. is your xbox connected wired or wireless? Edit: Nevermind i see your router is Only wired, not wireless
  14. Welcome to The Forum cutekangaroo Nice speeds Bones_McGhee
  15. you gotta change the vote. there's ppl with more than one computer. i didnt vote, cause i have 3 desktop computer. Gateway, Dell, and Compaq
  16. i play ps2 online and also thru xlink same thing with xbox (not live) thru xlink
  17. got confuse playing "texas hold'em"
  18. How is Panda Titanium Antivirus 2005? any good?
  19. Nice speeds Netmasta and Dan1025 both over cap actually that makes 3 of use
  20. so your paying for something you dont know you have hmm and your isp wont tell you what you have hmm i get another isp if you have 1Mb (what they say you have), than your doing very good.
  21. Welcome to The Forum AmericasBoyToy if you dont know your advertise speeds how are we suppose to help
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