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Everything posted by pitbull481

  1. so this is a NIC http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?prid=539&scid=42 im still learning
  2. very very nice router making me drool price is not bad either $87 http://www.digitallyunique.com/i170307.html
  3. what's a NIC?
  4. this kind of router (also a linksys)? http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=35&scid=42&prid=528
  5. here it shows the wrt54gs performance http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1649775,00.asp
  6. i just found this website for router wrt54g and wrt54gs. something to do with firmware http://www.sveasoft.com/
  7. only thing with the router is the range. kinda poor, might need to get better antenna. when i was looking for price on antenna i just went wired, comes out cheaper
  8. i got a 10/100 network card since i got linksys - cable modem, and router i wanted to get a 10/100/1000 network card also (linksys), would it help out on speeds? and what are the differance between these 2 http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=35&scid=41&prid=605 http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?prid=539&scid=42
  9. post speed before and after
  10. i'm not sure about that i remember some1 posted same question less thatn a month ago
  11. i got Linksys modem - BEFCMU10 ver2 http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=34&scid=29&prid=592 Linksys router - WRT54GS (speedbooster) http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=35&prid=610 Linksys w/l pci - WMP54GS (speedbooster) http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=36&prid=621 (dont use since im wired)
  12. mornings are kinda slow click on my sigs "read before posting"
  13. best way to go is wired. i had one computer wireless. my advertise speeds are 6000/768. the highest i gotten on wireless was around 3000 down and 400 something up i just decided to go wired and i got the cables VERY cheap http://www.cat5ecableguy.com/cat5e_cables?b=1
  14. Welcome to the Forum incognito post an upload
  15. Welcome to the Forum cmancool4 speeds are very nice i like your upload i have 768kb but never reached that high only 720 the highest i gotten
  16. So far Comcast is the fastest internet provider i got in my area here is another prvider second to comcast http://www1.wowway.com/wowPriceBundleI.asp wowway highest package is 4Mb down
  17. REH you still a kid
  18. yeah i get those days when you are lying in bed waiting waitnig waiting half an hour past still waiting damnit
  19. Matrix is the brand that melted my wired now that i saw the website
  20. 80 low 100 high is that the watts it uses if so my cable will melt i have that happen when i had my 00 civic si
  21. cheap ethernet cable http://www.cat6cableguy.com
  22. PHP gotta clean your thumb nail kinda dirty. :haha:
  23. thats what i thought mine will be more expensive (about $140-$150) around there which piaa's you got? Plasma Blue Super Plasma Ion Crystal Star White Xtreme White
  24. Welcome to the Forum GHOST00 post download and upload speeds is computer wired or wireless?
  25. Welcome to the Forum TMav i bet you got 4000/356 pComcast package right? cant be 6000/768 if you have 4000/356 package nice speeds if you got 6000/768 i be pissed
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